Committed to connecting the world

Council Working Group on WSIS & SDGs


​The CWG-WSIS was created in 20​02 (see Council Resolution 1196). In November 2006, PP-​​06 endorsed the relevant work already undertaken and/or to be carried out by ITU in implementing the WSIS outcomes, under the aegis of the Council Working Group on WSIS (CWG-WSIS), requesting the Council​ to maintain the CWG-WSIS in order to facilitate member​​ship input and guidance on the ITU implementation of relevant WSIS outcomes and to elaborate proposals to the Council that may be necessary for adapting ITU to its role in building the information society (Resolution 140 (Rev. Bucharest, 2022) of the Plenipotentairy Conference​​).​​ The ITU Council, at its 2024 session, revised its Resolution 1332 on the ​ITU role in the implementation of the WSIS outcomes​ and the 2030 Agenda​ for sustainable development.​

Terms of Reference ​

  1. to facilitate inputs from membership on the ITU implementation of relevant WSIS outcomes, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, through its regular meetings and circular letters, questionnaires or other appropriate methods of query; 
  2. to oversee, consider and discuss ITU's implementation of the WSIS outcomes and achievement of the SDGs and related ITU activities, and, within the financial limits set by the Plenipotentiary Conference, to make resources available as appropriate;
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​​​More information on the meetings of the (former) Dedicated Group on international Internet-related public policy issues as well as the newly established CWG-Internet is available here​.​​​​

Meetings and Documents

Forty-first meeting: Wednesday, 2 October (all day) to Thursday,
   3 October 2024 (a.m.), Room Popov, Geneva, Switzerland

New! Call for Inputs on the WSIS +20 Review​:
In accordance with ITU Council Resolution 1332, members and other stakeholders are invited by the Chair of the CWG WSIS&SDG to contribute their views on the work of the ITU in the WSIS+20 review, including ideas related to the review of the WSIS Action Lines.
Your ideas and feedback are crucial to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive as​sessment of the WSIS process.

This call for inputs will be facilitated though the process outlined in the Resolution as below:

  i)    An online form launched in August 2024 for all stakeholders,
        deadline 31 January 2025
  ii)   CWG WSIS&SDG 1st Physical Meeting: October 2024.
  iii)  CWG WSIS&SDG 2nd Physical Meeting: February 2025.
  iv)  A side event during the WSIS+20 High-Level Event 2025 (7-11 July).

The process is designed to gather detailed insights into various aspects of the WSIS+20 review process, including achievements and challenges in implementing the Geneva Plan of Action, the alignment of the WSIS Process with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the constant evolution of the WSIS process to adapt to emerging tren​ds, and the future of WSIS beyond 2025.

For any queries or additional information, please contact CWG WSIS&SDG Chair and secretariat at


Fortieth meeting: Thursday, 1 February (p.m.) to Friday, 2 February 2024 (all day), Geneva, Switz​erland

Invitation letter 
Official contributions/documents
Temporary documents​​ (DT)​​​ / Information documents​​ (INF)​
Final list of participants (TIES protected)​
Webcast archives (TIES protected)​




​​​Report on the Outcomes of the CWG-WSIS&SDG 39th and 40th Meetings

The Report on the Outcomes of the CWG-WSIS&SDG meeting held since Council-23, produced by the Chair, was open for comments until 15 Feb. 2024:



Draft ITU Council Contribution to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2024

As decided during the 40th meeting of the CWG-WSIS&SDG, the draft ITU Council Contribution to the 2024 HLPF was posted online for additional comments by CWG-WSIS&SDG members until 19 February 2024:


​​​Thirty-ninth meeting: Tuesday, 17 O​ctober 2023Room Popov, Geneva, Switzerland


  • ​​​Report on the Outcomes of the CWG-WSIS&SDG Meetings held since Council 21
    • Adhering to the template to be used by all Council Working Groups, the four-year report has been additionally edited to fi​t the proposed length a​nd format, and does not reflect the outcomes of the Group's last two meetings in its entirety. Therefore, an additional report on the Outcomes of the CWG-WSIS&SDG meeting held since Council-21 has been produced by the Chairman and were available f​or comments until ​​​ 8​ February 2022.

    • Report on the Outcomes of the CWG-WSIS&SDG Meetings held since PP-18

      This report summarizes t​​he main outcomes of the Council Working Group on WSIS&SDG (CWG-WSIS&SDG) meetings after PP-18. Members were invited to consider this document to be submitted to the ITU Council 2022 and for final approval for the ITU P​lenipotentiary Conference 2022. Comments and inputs from the group members were to be received by 7 February 2022.

    • Draft ITU Council Contribution to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2022

      As decided during the 38th meeting of the CWG-WSIS&SDG, the draft ITU Council Contribution to the 2022 HLPF was posted online for additional comments by CWG-WSIS&SDG members, to be submitted by 18 February 2022.

      Draft ITU Council Contribution to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2022 ​(a​s of 4 February 2022)

    • Thirty-eighth meeting: Wednesday, 19 January 2022 (p.m.) to ​Thursday, 20 January 2022 (p.m.)​, virtual

    ​​​​  All previous meetings
