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BDT Director's Corner: News

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  • 29 March 2019
    ITU-D Study Groups: aligning our work with the Sustainable Development Goals
    ​​ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 met from 18-22 March and 25-29 March respectively in Geneva.

    The work of ITU-D Study Groups is crucial in accelerating the attainment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    It is very important to make concrete linkages between the work we undertake through our Study Questions and BDT's broader programme of activities, Regional Initiatives, and projects underway.

    We will also continue to strengthen our collaboration with the UN system, and work with other stakeholders, focusing on health care, education, gender, agriculture, e-waste and emergency telecommunications – just to mention a few. We must strive to accelerate digital transformation in every country, community, school, and household, so that we make a real difference to the lives of those who need it most.

    I look forward to working with the ITU-D Study groups to develop timely, relevant and authoritative deliverables that offer real value to the different constituencies we serve.

    Opening speech ITU-D Study Group 1

    Opening speech ITU-D Study Group 2