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​ITU Cyber Drill - ALERT (Applied Learning for Emergency Response Teams) for Europe Region

Day 3: ITU Forum on Building Confidence and Security in Use of ICTs in Europe

Wednesday 29 May 2019

​09:00– 09:40Opening Ceremony
  • Mr. Mihnea Costoiu, Rector of University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bio
  • H.E. Alexandru Petrescu, Minister of Communications and Information Society, Bio
  • Mr. George Michaelides, Chairman of OCECPR, Cyprus, Host of the 2018 ITU Cyber Drill, Bio
  • Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Bio 
​10:00 – 12:00 Session 1: State of Cybersecurity in Europe

Setting the Context and Moderation: Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Presentation


  • Mr. Ionut Adnrej, State Secretary, Ministry of Communication and Information Society, on behalf of Romanian Presidency in the Council of European Union, Bio, Presentation
  • Mr. Ioannis Askoxylakis, Cybersecurity Policy Officer, Cybersecurity Technology & Capacity Building Unit, European Commission, Bio, Presentation
  • Mr. Csaba Virag, European Cyber Security Organisation, ECSO, BioPresentation 
  • Ms. Franziska Klopfer, Project Coordinator, DCAF, Bio, Presentation
  • Mr. Ioan-Cosmin Mihai, Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Researcher, Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance, ARASEC, Bio, Presentation
  • Dr. Alexandru Catalin Cosoi , Chief Security Strategist, Bitdefender, Bio, Presentation 
  • Ms. Paula Avasiloaiei, President of Electronic Students League, Romania, Bio, Presentation
​13:30 – 15:00Session 2: Emerging trends in Cybersecurity

Setting the Context and Moderation: Marwan Ben Rached, Cyber Security Officer, ITU, Bio


  • Gen. Anton Rog, Director, Cyberint Center of the Romanian Intelligence Servises, SRI, Bio, Presentation
  • Mr. Uttang Dawda, Cybersecurity consultant , FIRST, Bio, Presentation
  • Mr. Madalin Vasile, Manager Systems Engineering, Fortinet, Bio, Presentation
  • Dr. Almerindo Graziano, CEO, Silensec, Bio, Presentation 
  • Mr. Adrian-Ioan Ifrim, Manager, Deloitte, Bio, Presentation
  • Mr Catalin Patrascu, Security Program Manager, Secureworks, Bio, Presentation
  • Ms Sorina Teleanu, Chair of the Executive Committee of the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance, Bio, Presentation

15:30 - 17:00

Session 3: Experience sharing on CERT Management

Setting the Context and Moderation:  National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania, ANCOM


  • Mr. Catalin Arama, General Director of the Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team, CERT-RO, Romania, Bio 
  • Mr. Rastislav JANOTA, Director, Slovak Computer Emergency Response Team, SK-CERT, Slovak Republic, Bio 
  • Mr. Aleksandar Acev, Head of MKD-CIRT, North Macedonia, Bio 
  • Mr. Evgenios BARDIS, Team Leader, National Computer Security Incident Response Team, CSIRT-CY, Cyprus, Bio 
  • Mr. Rangar Oun, Head of CIIP Department, Estonian Information System Authority, RIA, Estonia, Bio 
  • Ms Daniela Androvic, Advisor for ICT Systems Security and Ms Jelena Manasi, SRB-CERT, Serbia, Bio 
  • Ms. Jelena Manasijevic, Advisor for ICT Systems Security, SRB-CERT, Serbia, Bio