ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Accessible Europe 2019 - Contributions




European Commission

"An European Ecosystem for ICT Accessibility"

Aġenzija Sapport

​"Malta’s National Service Provider for Persons with Disability"


Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs

​​​"Promoting ICT and Digitalisation for Persons with Disabilities"


​Mobile and Wireless Forum

GARI: Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative


United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

"Cooperation in Develoing e-Acessibility Policies and Guidelines in the Arab Region"

EASTIN Association 

"Worldwide information system on assistive technology products"


Malta Communications Authority

"Regulatory Framework for the Web Accessibility Directive"

Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility (FITA)

"​ICT Accessibility Consultancy, Training and Assessments"

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Office for Electronic Communications, Poland

"UKE’s Accessibility Policy"
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Office for Electronic Communications, Poland

"UKE’s website: digital accessibility" 

Ministry of Territorial Policy and Civil Service, Spain
​"Web Accessibility Observatory Tracker Tool"​
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Europ​ean Broadcasting Union

"Activity 1: Eurovox"
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Europ​ean Broadcasting Union

"Activity 2: Experts group in broadcasting access-services & their survey"

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Europ​ean Broadcasting Union

"Activity 3 - The ASBU study of accessibility for broadcasting"


European Deafblind Network

"Organization for deafblind people, their families and professionals of the sector"

Swedish Disability Rghts Federaton

"Improving active involvement of organisations of persons with disabilities
in ICT procurement, innovation and standardisation"

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Fundación ONCE​ ​​​

"Massive Open Online Courses on Universal Accessibility"

Centre for Excellece in Universal Design at the National Disability Authority

"Overview of Activities"
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University of Malta

"Olly Speaks – An Innovative Therapeutic Device Supporting Children with Developmental Language Disorders"


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – SoftLab

"Cloud-based subtitling system"

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Oslo Metropolitan University​

"Social Innovation for Universal Design"


University of Geneva, Department of Translation Technology (TIM), Faculty of Translation and Interpreting​

"Innovation in Multilingual Digial Accessibility"

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University of Maribor
​​Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences ​

 "E-Accessibility for Deaf and Hard of Hearing"​​

Ministry of Devlopment funds and regional policy, Poland​​"Accessibility Plus governmental programme"​
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University of Southampton

"Higher Education"

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 ​​​David Banes Access and Inclusion Services


"Mapping the Digital Assistive Technology Ecosystem in Europe"

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Audio Description Associates, LLC / Audio Description Project of the American Council of the Blind (USA)

"Audio Description: Access To Media For People Who Are Blind"

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 Glob​al Universal Design Commission Europe​


"Social Innovation for Universal Design"

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"Integrated Telehea​lth App"​​

Ministry for Digitalisation, The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

"Social Inclusion Eva​luation Methods"​​

