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ITU Contribution on ICT4SDG at the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for UNECE Region

cicg.jpgThe Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for UNECE Region was convened by UNECE, in close cooperation with the regional UN system. It took place from 1 to 2 March 2018 at International Conference Center (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland.   It followed up on and reviews the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the UNECE Region.


ITU was contributing on ICT4SDGs to several sessions of this event in particular focusing on the following:

sdg7.png​SDG7  session on Improving Efficiency of the Energy Systems , 1 March 15:00-16:30, Room 18 International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG).
sdg11.png​SDG11 session on Promoting Resilient Sustainable Cities and Human Setlements,1 March 16:30-18:00, Room 3 International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG).
sdg12.jpgSDG12 session on Successful approaches to delivering on sustainable consumption and production by 2030, 1 March 15:00-16:30, Room 4 International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG).

​Side event on Adolescents and Youth as Partners to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, 1 March 13:15-14:30, Room 3 International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG). 

​Side event on Gender Equality as an Accelerator for SDGs Implementation,  2 March 08:30-09:45, Room 3 International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG).