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Minister.jpgMs Anastassiadou Vassiliki, Minister of Transport, Communications and Works

Mrs. Vassiliki Anastassiadou was born in Nicosia in 1958. She studied Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and holds a post graduate studies Degree in European Law (LLM in European Union Law) from the University of Leicester. During her student years, she was an amateur singer, performing artistic songs and songs with a patriotic theme, particularly after the Turkish invasion in Cyprus. In 1977 she represented Cyprus in a Song Festival, in Edmonton, Canada, during the Commonwealth Games. She worked as a trainee advocate and successfully acquired the License of a Registered Practicing Advocate. In 1983, she was appointed as Secretary, Parliamentary Committees, in the Parliamentary Committees Service of the House of Representatives, gradually rising through all the ranks of the Service to become its First Secretary. In 1999, in addition to her duties as First Secretary, she was assigned to coordinate the provisional Department of the House commissioned to harmonise Cyprus legislation with the acquis communautaire. In 2002, she was appointed as Director of the newly established European Affairs Service of the House, continuing to work for the successful completion of the harmonisation process of Cyprus’ legislation to the acquis communautaire until Cyprus’ accession to the European Union. In 2007, she was appointed as Director, of the Parliamentary Committees Service and in July 2013 Secretary General of the House of Representatives. She is married to Mr. Stelios Anastassiades and she has a daughter and a son. Mrs Anastassiadou, appointed by the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nicos Anastassiades, assumed office as Minister of Transport, Communications and Works on the 1st of March 2018.

Alessio de Angelis.jpg Mr Alessio De Angelis, Deloitte

Manager at Deloitte Risk Advisory in the Cyber Risk Services practice, which helps organizations become secure, vigilant, and resilient in the face of sophisticated cyber threats. Strong expertise in supporting organisations in improving their cyber risk posture through security initiatives that integrate strategic risk, regulatory, and technology components. Before joining Deloitte, he gained a relevant experience in another Big4 firm. As Security Advisor he supported major organizations in the Government, Defense, Energy and Telco industries, mostly in Italy and Europe. He gained a relevant expertise in projects focused on: Cyber Security Strategy, Information Security Management Programs, Cyber Risk Management, Security Assessment, Certifications ISO27001/ISO20000/ISO22301, CERT/CSIRT implementation, Design and implementation of cyber exercises. He is a Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) and an Associate Member of the Business Continuity Institute (BCI). He is trained as an ISO 27001 Lead Auditor from the British Standards Institution (BSI). He holds a COBIT 5 foundation certification.

Mr Antonis Antoniades, Head of Digital Security Authority of Cyprus


NadherAl-Safwani.jpgDr. Nadher Al-Safwani, Cybersecurity Consultant, ITU Arab Regional Cybersecurity Center-Oman

Hails with 15 years of experience in the Information Technology Security, Dr. Nadher currently serves as the cybersecurity consultant in ITU Arab Regional Cybersecurity Center in Oman (ITUARCC). During his tenure, Dr. Nadher was involving with many projects and services worldwide such as establishment and assessments of CIRT and improving the cybersecurity security posture. Dr. Nadher was responsible for the deployment of security assurance products and services that specifically dedicated to enabling better information security readiness for public sector agencies and industry. In his current capacity in ITU-ARCC, he is responsible to provide assistance to ITU member states on cybersecurity. To date, he actively participated in national cybersecurity strategy and critical information infrastructure protection. Dr. Nadher holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Master of Information Technology and PhD of computer science in Risk Assessment from reputable international universities. He is
doing some researches on cybersecurity issues and risk management area. Dr. Nadher is a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), a Certified Chief Information
Security Officer (CCISO), GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) Practitioner, a certified ISMS Lead Auditor (ISO/IEC 27001:2005), a Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH), and a certified Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL v3).

Ioannis Askoxylakis.jpg Dr Ioannis Askoxylakis, European Commission

Dr. Ioannis G. Askoxylakis is Cybersecurity Policy Officer at the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of European Commission since 2018. Before joining the European Commission he has been Senior Researcher & Head of FORTHcert, the Computer Emergency Response Team of FORTH (2002-2018), member of the Plenary of the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy (2016-2018) and Professor of Cybersecurity and Internet of Things at Bournemouth University (2015-2018). In the past he has served as national representative in the Future Internet Forum of EU member and Associated States of DG CONNECT (2009-2013), as member of the Permanent Stakeholders Group of the European Network and Information Security Agency- ENISA (2009-2012) and as member the technical advisory committee of the Hellenic Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-governance (2011-2014). His interests lie in the fields of system and communication security, computer security incident response, IoT security and emergency response communications. He is the editor of 8 Cybersecurity books and the author of more than 50 publications in international journals and conference proceedings. He has organized and chaired several prestigious international cybersecurity conferences and workshops and he has coordinated and participated in more than 20 European funded R&D projects. He holds a Diploma in Physics from the University of Crete, a Master of Science in Communication Engineering from the Technical University of Munich and a PhD in Secure and Resilient Communications for Emergency Response from the University of Bristol.

Rosheen.jpg Ms Rosheen Awotar-Mauree, Programme Officer, ITU Office for Europe, ITU

Ms Rosheen Awotar-Mauree works as Programme Officer for the Europe Office where she coordinates projects, events and other developmental actions. She has experience in managing IT Security initiatives and involved in the elaboration of national ICT strategies. She has over 12 years of experience in the field of IT Security and IT Project Management. She received her degree in Computer Science with honours in Information Systems, in 1994 and her MBA in 1996, both from Murdoch University, Perth, Australia.


David Bandler.jpgMr David Belder, Verint

David Belder, Chief Information Officer at Verint Systems Limited, has been managing IT, cloud and security organizations for over two decades. Prior to joining Verint, David served in leadership and executive roles of IT and cloud operations at Radware, a leading vendor in ADC and security; RSA, the security division of EMC; Telmap, an Intel Company and leading provider of Location Based Services; Interwise (acquired by AT&T), an IP-based enterprise communications company; and Callware Technologies, a leading CTI and voice mail vendor. David’s diverse educational background includes an M.Sc. in Pathology from Tel Aviv University, and a M.Sc. in Management from NYU -Polytechnic University, with concentrations in Information Technology and Operations Management. David is also a licensed Systems Analyst.


Marwan.jpgMr Marwan Ben Rached, ITU

Mr. Marwan Ben Rached is a technical Officer - Cybersecurity at ITU (International Telecommunication Union ) and has more than 12 years’ experience in Cyber Security.
Marwan has provided information security consulting services and has managed cybersecurity projects for the governments and the private sector and also he has been involved into the regional cybersecurity assistance, by helping different developing countries to enhance their cybersecurity capabilities. Marwan received a Master and Engineer degrees in Computer Science from the University of Sousse and also he holds various IT Certifications such as CISSP ,ISO 27001 LEAD AUDITOR, CEA, ECSP, CEH, CSAD, CLA, LPI, and CCNA.


Jakob Bund.jpg Mr Jacob Bund, UK

Mr Jakob Bund is a Research Associate at the University of Oxford’s Global Cybersecurity Capacity Centre, focused on the analysis of strategy-, defense-, and regulation-related aspects of national cybersecurity postures. In this capacity, he is also involved in the development of a comprehensive framework to conceptualize and assess potential harm caused by cyber incidents.
Previously, Jakob worked as Associate Analyst at the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), where he co-coordinated the Chinese Future Task Force that assessed regional and global implications of China’s security and defense policies. As co-author of the Yearbook of European Security at the EUISS, he was also responsible for conducting a review of EU cybersecurity measures. Before joining the EUISS, Jakob completed research assignments at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Foreign Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins University, and the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), working on the interface between technology and policy-making. Jakob holds an MA degree in Strategic Studies, International Economics and a minor in China Studies from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

BattistaCagnoni.jpgMr Battista Cagnoni, Vectra

Mr Battista Cagnoni is a Sr. Cybersecurity Consultant at Vectra, focused on EMEA region customers. He brings with him two decades of experience as Cyber Security professional in different verticals, covering Security Engineer, Security Analyst and SOC Manager roles. He is very passionate about technical and geo-political aspects associated to Cyber Threats and Incident Response.



Mr Uttang Dawda, FIRST

Ms Andrea Dufkova, CSIRT Relations Team Leader, ENISA

Mr Almerindo Graziano, European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)

Janota.jpgMr Rastislav Janota, Director, SK-CERT, Slovakia

Rastislav Janota has over 20 years of experience in IT and telecommunication sectors. Over his career, Mr. Janota holds successfully various expert, managerial, and supervision positions in the field of information and communication services and cyber/information security in private and governmental sectors both at home and abroad. Currently he serves as Chairman of the Cyber Security Committee of the Security Council of the Slovak republic as well as Director of SK-CERT – Slovak National CERT under National Security Authority of Slovak republic. From these positions, he will bear responsibility for cyber security governance of the Slovak Republic.


Pranvera Kastrati.jpg Ms Pranvera Kastrati, Senior Expert on Economic and Digital Connectivity, RCC

Pranvera Kastrati, Senior Expert on Economic and Digital Connectivity in Regional Cooperation Council. She had a vast experience in public policy coordination and implementation in Albania. She held senior position in the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship and contributed to several reforms to improve business environment from 1996-2017. She joined Regional Cooperation Council in November 2017 and her core focus of expertise relates to the work pertaining to coordination, monitoring and reporting for the implementation of the Multiannual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA), contributing also in towards the management and overall implementation of MAP REA in the areas of RCC responsibility. In the area of digital integration her core responsibilities relate to design, implementation, coordination and monitoring of RCC’s interventions in area of digital integration, as well as overseeing of the implementation of the operational and implementation plans for the Digital Agenda for Western Balkan.

Franziska Klopfer.jpg Ms Franziska Klopfer, Project Coordinator, DCAF

Franziska has been engaged in institutional reform in the security sector, with a specific focus on cybersecurity at the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) since 2011. Previously, she had worked for over seven years for intergovernmental committees and working groups on Internet governance at the Council of Europe and the United Nations. In her work at DCAF, Franziska implements reform and capacity building projects and leads research. She has specific expertise on Internet governance, human rights and public policy, cybersecurity and the privatisation of security. Franziska holds an MA in Human Rights from University College London and an LLM in Public International Law from Queen Mary University of London.


Liassas photo.JPGMr Georgios Liassas, Technical Security Advisor, NETS, Denmark

Georgios Liassas has been a Technical Security Advisor with Nets A/S since November 2017. Ever since he has been working closely with NetsCERT, the organization's corporate CSIRT team. Georgios is  leading the NetsCERT Maturity project aiming at improving the capabilities of the team in light of the modern threat landscape against critical infrastructures such as the financial sector's one. Georgios has several years of experience working with incident response teams within Security Operations Centers. Prior to his current position he worked for an international life science-centric IT service provider. Before he was given the team leadership responsibility of the commercial CSIRT team, he served several operational roles. As a result of Georgios interest in knowledge sharing and synergies building, he is engaged in community fora such as TF-CSIRT. Georgios holds a double degree Masters of Science in Security & Mobile Computing awarded by the Aalto University of Finland and the Technical University of Denmark. He currently lives in Copenhagen Denmark, he is married and speaks 3 languages.


Jonathan Martin photo.jpg Mr Jonathan Martin, Anomali, Cyprus

Based in London, Mr Jonathan Martin is the Anomali Partner Director, covering the GCC as well as Europe, India  and Africa. Before joining Anomali, he was one of the first employees of ArcSight in EMEA, helping to grow the company from its infancy through the acquisition and successful integration into HP's Enterprise Security Products division. Prior to ArcSight he worked for British Airways as well as a number of security companies including CyberGuard & Critical Path. Jonathan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the University of Bradford, UK.




George Michaelides.jpg Mr George Michaelides, Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulations, Cyprus 

George has more than 20 years of experience in ICT.  He holds a B.Eng in Computer Engineering and an MSc in Communications Systems.  For the last 14 years he has been working for multinational organizations holding various senior Regional Service Delivery roles, accountable for the provision of impeccable service through, reorganizations, outsourcing and the implementation/adoption of IT Best Practices.  Currently is leading the Cyprus national regulatory authority (OCECPR) for Electronic Communications and Postal Services as well as the regulatory authority for Network and Information Security (NIS) for Critical Information Infrastructures (CIIs).  In addition he has been tasked to setup and operate the National CSIRT.  The office is also the coordinating body for the implementation of Cyprus Cybersecurity Strategy.  As part of his regulatory duties he is a Board member of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), the European Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG) and the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP).  He is also a BEREC Vice-Chair for 2018.  Outside his regulatory duties he is the Vice President of itSMF Cyprus (IT Service Management Forum), tasked to promote IT Best practices in Cyprus.  He is PMP@, ITIL@ and COBIT5@ certified.


Mr George Nicolaou, Head of Research and Incident Response, Silensec

Mr Bill Nikolopoulos, Senior Cybersecurity Consultant, Check Point


Alessandro Ortalda.jpgMr Alessandro Ortalda, Senior Consultant, Cyber Risk Services, Deloitte Risk Advisory

Alessandro is Senior Consultant at Deloitte Risk Advisory in the Cyber Risk Services practice. Through various experiences in other top consulting firms, he gained experience in the areas of Cyber Risk Management, Digital Identity, Cybersecurity governance, Privacy and Data Protection, and Strategic Intelligence. He is also well accustomed to international organizations working culture thanks to previous experiences and current initiatives in which he is involved as external expert. He works primarily with International Organizations, Financial Institutions, Oil & Gas and Energy customers. He is a Certified ISO 27001 Lead Auditor.



PONDER_Jaroslaw-Small-Color.jpg Mr Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of ITU Office for Europe, ITU

Mr Ponder is Head of the ITU Office for Europe at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (Geneva, Switzerland). Within the last years Mr. Ponder has been carrying out numerous projects, activities and initiatives at national, regional and international levels. He has been taking lead role in many international conferences and summits dealing with fostering ICT innovation and development of ICT ecosystem, information society, and advancements of digital economy worldwide, while setting strategies and ensuring their timely implementation. Along the professional career Mr. Ponder held official positions in the public sector and was a contributor to the legislative projects having impact on the public policy. Since 2014 Mr. Ponder has been working for ITU, in Market, Economics and Finance Unit (MEF/ITU), Strategy and Policy Unit (SPU/ITU), Project and Initiatives Department (PRI/ITU). From year 2008 upon his former duties he has acted as Europe Officer (EUR/ITU) as well as Project Manager for European Centres of Excellence Network (CoE-EUR). In August 2008 he was appointed as Coordinator for Europe. After successful recreation of the coordination for the region in 2009 he moved to the General Secretariat becoming Strategy and Policy Coordinator and one year later Senior Strategy and Policy Advisor with the objective to lead the ITU activities on World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS; United Nation Process on ICTs) and its 10 year review, amongst the others successfully establishing prime platforms, i.e. WSIS Forum, WSIS Prizes, WSIS Stocktaking, and organizing WSIS+10 High Level Event (2014) that resulted in negotiated texts. In parallel, since 2011 he has been working as Coordinator for Europe strengthening coordination and implementation mechanism. In 2017 he became the Head of ITU Office for Europe, directing actions, projects, initiatives, experts groups targeting 45 countries and representing ITU in Europe.  

Antonis Proimadis.jpgMr Antonis Promadis, Fortinet

Mr Antonis Proimadis is an accomplished IT security expert with more than 18 years of professional experience. Antonis is working for Fortinet as a Senior CyberSecurity Engineer and he is responsible for Greece and Cyprus. He has an extensive knowledge of the IT security industry and holds a number of security certifications. Antonis is graduate of the Electronic Engineering department of the Technical Educational Institute of Athens, holds a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Data Communication Networks from Brunel University London and an MBA from Athens University of Economics and Business.
Picture attached.


tonutammer.pngMr Tõnu Tammer, Head of CERT-EE, Estonian Information System Authority

Tõnu has worked as Head of CERT-EE from June 2018 and for Estonian government for over 8 years, most in the area Home Affairs. During his time working for the Ministry of Interior he has worked also as EU IT projects coordinator focusing on EU wide projects such Entry/Exit System, ETIAS and Interoperability, a Counsellor for Justice- and Home Affairs based in Brussels and he has held various positions in IT and Development Centre such as Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Quality Officer dealing with the long-term strategic planning and finances of IT systems and their quality. During this time he was for almost two years in EU IT Agency (eu-LISA) as a Seconded National Expert (SNE). His role was to provide expertise in policy matters concerning Home Affairs and in the last year he has lead the Smart Borders Pilot which has been entrusted to eu-LISA by the European Commission. He has also advised European Commission on the SIS II (Second Generation Schengen Information System) project as a member of the Global Program Management Board (GPMB) appointed there by the Council of the European Union.

mihai rotariu CERT-RO.png Mr Mihai Rotariu, Public and Media relations coordinator, CERT-RO, Romania

Mr Mihai Rotariu is an experienced Public Relations specialist at CERT-RO, with a demonstrated history of working in computer and network security industry.
Skilled in Communications, IT Security, Social Media and Writing. He works at Romanian CERT from 2012. He is currently the spokesperson of the organization.
Mihai has been involved in handling awareness campaigns and has been coordinating CERT-RO team in projects or campaigns such as European Cyber Security Month, European Cyber Security Challenge, Cyber Europe or national level cyber security exercises.


Natalia Spinu.jpgMs Natalia Spinu, Chief of Cyber Security Center CERT-GOV-MD, Moldova

Ms Natalia Spinu is a cybersecurity expert with many years of work experience in governmental and non-governmental sectors in Moldova. As a cybersecurity expert, Ms. Spinu has experience in the following areas: team management, cybersecurity program & policy development, implementation & audit of information security management system (based on ISO 27001), project management. Ms. Natalia Spinu is also a member of the emerging security challenges working group, national coordinator of NATO SPS program in Moldova.
Cyber Security Center CERT-GOV-MD, within Information Technology and Cyber Security Service, headed by Ms. Natalia Spinu is a governmental computer emergency response team of Moldova, which handles cybersecurity incidents occurred in governmental networks. Under her leadership, the CSC CERT-GOV-MD became actively involved in many national cybersecurity development processes, including national cybersecurity program&policy developments, organizing cyber awareness conferences & workshops, building capacity of university to prepare qualified workforce for cybersecurity sector of Moldova and other.

Peter Versmissen.jpg Mr Peter Versmissen, Partner Deloitte Belgium

During his career of 19 years, Peter has gained a profound knowledge in the IT Strategy and primarily in the Cyber Security domain.  Gradually, Peter has deepened his expertise in the OT security space, by assisting Utility companies in defining and implementing their security strategy. This had led him to similar engagements at companies with a strong industrial component. Peter’s main areas of interest are: IT security (procedural and governance aspects, Identity and Access Management, ISO 27001, cyber security), and (organisational) change management. The latter typically requires a diverse skillset as a professional who masters both IT and business knowhow. All projects where Peter has been involved in are situated in a variety of sectors, of which government and the energy are the most important ones. Within the Cyber practice of Deloitte Belgium, Peter coordinates all cyber work for the Energy & Resources industry. Peter has been responsible for a variety of projects, amongst others: Act ac CISO for Belgium’s Air Traffic Management organization; CISO work for a large Utility organization; Cyber strategy work for a company operating critical infrastructure.


Csaba_pic.jpg Mr Csaba Virág, Head of Cyber Security Competence Centre at Cyber Services

Csaba Virág has more than a decade of experience in strategic, technical and administrative layers of the IT sector and information security as an ethical hacker, cyber security professional and private sector subject matter expert. Up to the summer of 2015 Csaba was leading several technical developments, mainly focusing on critical infrastructures like transportation, healthcare and the telecommunication sector. Besides delivering state-of-the-art technical and security solutions Csaba has won several prices for delivering creative and high impact user experience products and services. As Head of Cyber Security Competence Centre at Cyber Services he is responsible for knowledge transfer solutions and course developments along with delivering capacity building activities himself. Csaba is active in international capacity and capability building projects mainly focused on EU and Middle-East. Csaba is the lead national expert and creator of Cyber Kids concept in Hungary, focusing on situational cyber awareness programs for children. Csaba has been actively participating and delivering ITU regional cyber drills since 2015 around the globe. Csaba is actively engaged in the European Cyber Security Organisation as Cyber Services is chairing the working group for Education, Awareness, Training and Exercises delivering capacity building concepts and solutions. Besides his successful private business activities Csaba is a regular speaker at various cyber security events and conferences in Europe and around the world. For more information, please visit Csaba Virág’s linkedIn profile at