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Next Generation Regulation

2017Montenegro_421326_2.jpgThe Regulatory Conference for Europe on "Next Generation Regulation", will be held from 25 to 26 September 2017 in Budva, Montenegro, within the framework of the Festival of ICT Achievements – INFOFEST 2017.

The Conference is organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro (EKIP).

The fifth generation ICT regulation is coming of age, and unleashing the potential of collaboration among stakeholders to create an enabling environment for innovation and investment is essential. . Living in a digital connected world raises many new opportunities and expectations for social and economic development required to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. This Conference, organized within the framework of the ITU Regional Initiative for Europe on Development of Broadband Access and Adoption of Broadband, agreed by the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2014, provides a platform for high level dialogue between the stakeholders on strategies and policies directed towards broadband development in the region, while discussing the challenges and opportunities offered by resilient high speed networks couple with regulatory actions that are flexible and collaborative.

It will cover in particular the following aspects:

  • The fifth generation of regulation, collaborative regulation, regulatory challenges related to 5G
  • Trends in ICT policy & regulation, innovative policy and regulatory tools for the digital economy
  • Development of NGA networks, development of broadband access and adoption of broadband, regulations, development and infrastructure mapping, usage of RF spectrum, electromagnetic fields
  • Market analysis and price regulation
  • New challenges in user protection, roaming, measuring parameters of the service quality, neutrality of network, mapping of the services, users rights
  • Network safety and integrity, cybersecurity

Representatives of European Regulatory Agencies, Ministries, Operators of electronic communications, as well as representatives and experts of international organizations and institutions in charge of the regulation and development policy of electronic communications are invited to take part in the Conference.

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