Committed to connecting the world

Last Mile Connectivity in Asia-Pacific


Equitable information and communications technology (ICT) connectivity around the Asia-Pacific region remains a development bottleneck and particular concern across the region. To connect the offline population excluded from the benefits of the global digital economy and accelerate digitalization trends, policy makers, development partners and investors are reviewing their strategies while considering their fiscal space and determining investment priorities.

Scope and Objectives
Webinar featured the launch of ITU Last Mile Connectivity Solutions Guide which is designed to assist efforts to extend affordable and sustainable connectivity service to under-connected localities. The Guide also assists governments in their role of funding and implementing universal access to connectivity. This includes identifying the unconnected areas and selecting sustainable technical, financial and regulatory solutions to ensure affordability and accessibility to relevant connectivity services. 
The event provided an overview of solutions for last mile connectivity in rural and remote areas based upon successful implementations in countries around the world. Invited experts will discuss technical, business, and regulatory considerations for implementing last mile connectivity solutions to connect the unserved and underserved populations, especially in rural and remote areas.  

Target audience
Public policy and decision makers, regulators, private sector representatives, development partners, special interest groups, experts, and academics.​​

LMC-ASP Feb 2021.png

​1030-10:35 (GMT+7)
Welcome Remarks:
Atsuko Okuda, Regiona​l Director (Asia and the Pacific), ITU  [Bio​]

Overview of Last-Mile Internet Connectivity Solutions Guide: Sustainable Connectivity Options for Unconnected Sites
  • ​Mr Aamir Ri​az, Programme Officer, ITU  [Bio], Mr John Garrity [Bio​](co-author) ​and Ihar Shchetko, GIGA Project Officer [Bio​]​​
​11:10- 11:55
Expert Panel Discussion

Discussion items include but not limited to: 
  • Key challenges to address the connectivity gaps
  • Key policies, technologies and business models to build and expand last mile connectivity, especially in rural and remote areas
  • Challenges for affordable last mile connectivity for scaling up and sustaining the connectivity.
  • Collaborative strategies and partnerships to ensure that people at the bottom of the social pyramid achieve reliable, affordable and meaningful connectivity
Intrductory Remarks:
Atsuko Okuda, Regiona​l Director (Asia and the Pacific), ITU  [Bio​]

Moderator: Mr Thomas E. Abell  Advisor SDCC and Chief of Digital Technology for Development, Asian Development Bank [Bio]
  1. Mr Bill Lan, Huawei [Bio] [Presentation​]
  2. Mr Naveed Haq, ISOC [Bio]
  3. Mr Imran Malik, SES [Bio]
  4. Mr Yasuhiko Kawasumi, Vice Chair ITU-D Study Group 1 [Bio]​  [Presentation​]
​11:55- 12:00
Closing:Atsuko Okuda, Regiona​l Director (Asia and the Pacific), ITU  [Bio​]​