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ITU TRAI Training on "Leveraging ICTs for Smart Sustainable Cities"

​24-26 March 2015, New Delhi, India


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Background and Overview

 "A smart sustainable city is an innovative city that uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of urban operation and services, and competitiveness, while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social and environmental aspects" - ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities.

TECHNICAL REPORTS  of the Focus Group are available at the weblink above.

In the "Smart and Sustainable" city models that are emerging, ICT stakeholders have a major role. While facilitating development of the underlying broadband and intelligent machine to machine infrastructure, they also play pivotal role in building smart and secure applications for the other sectors, create appropriate enabling environment and provide tools for big data processing capabilities that can support fast and efficient decision making. This training aims to build skills on the required framework for SSC from an ICT perspective, the underlying components and the role of various ICT stakeholders in development of Smart Sustainable Cities with a focus on Asia-Pacific region.

The training on "Leveraging ICTs for Smart Sustainable Cities" is organized by the International Telecommunication Union (Telecommunciation Development Bureau and Telecommunication Standardization Bureau) and the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).

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Day 1 (24th March 2015)

0830-0900: Registration
0900-0930: Opening Session
- Welcome by Mr Sudhir Gupta, Secretary, TRAI
 -Welcome and brief of the program by Mr Ashish Narayan, ITU
- Inaugural Address By Dr. Vijayalakshmy Gupta, Member, TRAI
- Vote of Thanks Mr Sanjeev Banzal, Advisor (NSL), TRAI
- Group Photograph

0930-1000: Session 1: IOT and M2M applications for smart sustainable cities
- Mr. Sandy Verma, Senior Director AT&T Asia Pacific, IOT Strategy , AT&T 

Session 2: ICT role for smart sustainable cities

Objective: To provide comprehensive understanding of smart sustainable cities (SSCs) definition, its components and the role of ICT.
-Professor Sekhar Kondepudi, Vice chairman, ITU-T Focus Group on SSC [Presentation]

1130-1230 Session 3: Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC) – Policy & Regulatory Issues

Objective: To provide comprehensive understanding of the policy and regulatory issues underlying the smart sustainable cities (SSCs).
- Mr.
Sanjeev Banzal, Advisor (Networks, Spectrum & Licensing), TRAI [Presentation]
- Mr. Ashish Narayan , Programme Coordinator, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [Presentation]

1230-1400 LUNCH

1400-1500 Session 4: Smart Sustainable Cities Infratsructure

Objective: To provide an overview of smart sustainable cities infrastructure including best practices
- Mr. David Faulkner ,Leader of the Technical Report  Multi-service infrastructure for Smart Sustainable Cities, ITU-T FG-SSC [Presentation]

1530-1700 Session 5: Work Group Exercise

Objective: In this session each Work Group will work in groups to understand the key building blocks of Smart Sustainable Cities.
- Mr. David Faulkner ,Leader of the Technical Report  Multi-service infrastructure for Smart Sustainable Cities, ITU-T FG-SSC






Day 2 (25th March 2015)

0930-1100 Session 6: SMART CITIES INFRASTRUCTURE (continued)

Objective: To provide an overview of smart sustainable cities infrastructure including best practices
- Mr. Flavio Cucchietti, Vice Chairman, ITU-T Focus Group on SSC {Presentation]
- Climate change adaptation,  Ms. Daniela Torres, Coordinator, working group-4, ITU-T SG on SSC [Presentation]
- Smart Buildings,  Professor Sekhar Kondepudi, Vice chairman, ITU-T Focus Group on SSC [Presentation]


Objective: To understand the key performance indicators for SSCs and monitoring mechanisms
-Mr. David Faulkner,  Leader of the Technical Report  Multi-service infrastructure for Smart Sustainable Cities, ITU-T FG-SSC [Presentation]

1200-1230: Session 8: Role of Stakeholders

Objective: To provide a platform to discuss and identify the role that different stakeholders can play to build smart sustainable cities.
- Mr. Abhishek  Chaudhary, Vice President,  DMICDC[Presentation]
 - Mr. Vikram Tiwatia, Deputy DG, Cellular Operator Asoociation of India

1400-1430 Session 9: Guide  for city leaders in deploying ICTs in SSCs

Objective: To provide guidance and to help city leaders to make their cities smarter and more sustainable.
- Ms. D
aniela Torres, Coordinator, working group-4, ITU-T SG on SSC  [Presentation]

1515-1600 Session 10:  Smart sustaianble city experiences
- Mr.
Guillaume Mascot, APAC Public Affairs Director, Alcatel-Lucent Asia Pacific [Presentation]
-Mr. Nilesh Purey, Head ICT, GIFT City

1600-1730: Session 11: Work Group Exercise

Objective: In this session each Work Group will work in groups to understand the key building blocks of Smart Sustainable Cities.

-Mr. David Faulkner , Leader of the Technical Report  Multi-service infrastructure for Smart Sustainable Cities, ITU-T FG-SSC 

Day 3 (26th March 2015)

0930-1100 Session 12: Smart Sustaianble City Experiences

Objective: To provide practical examples of smart city solutions (implementation cases).
-Mr. Flavio Cucchietti, Telecom Italia  [Presentation]
-Ms. Irene Seo, Senior Consultant , Korea Telecom [Presentation]

1130-1230 Session 13: Roadmap for Smart Sustainable Cities

Objective: To understand the methods and processes to create a roadmap for smart sustainable cities.
-Mr. David Faulkner , Leader of the Technical Report  Multi-service infrastructure for Smart Sustainable Cities, ITU-T FG-SSC 

1230-1300Session 14: CLOSING

1400 Onwards FIELD TRIP