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ITU Training on Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) for Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) - Sultanate of Oman , 7 July 2021

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International Telecommunication Union Arab Regional Office in collaboration with Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) - Sultanate of Oman will organize national multi-stakeholders training on implementation of Common Alerting Protocol (CAP). The CAP training aiming to highlight the benefits of using the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), that enables authorities to deliver early warnings and alerts to all people and communities at risk in a timely manner, and up to global scale through the use of different technologies. CAP is an ITU standard [ITU-T Recommendation X.1303.] for exchanging all-hazard emergency alerts and public warnings over all kinds of ICT networks. 

The training is open to the participants from Oman’s ICTs and environment ministries, regulatory authority, private sector, national disaster management organization,  meteorological organization,  media and academia. 



ITU coordinators:

Eng. Mustafa Al Mahdi, Programme Officer, ITU Arab Regional Office

Email address: 

Mrs. Maritza Doris Delgado, ITU Programme Officer, Environment and Emergency Division, BDT

Email address: 

Training Instructor:

Mr.​ Eliot.J.Christian

