Committed to connecting the world

Validation workshop for the draft Policy on lCT‐Accessibility for West Africa Region, ECOWAS Commission, , Abuja, Nigeria, 3 – 4 December 2018

Please note change of dates


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), is pleased to invite you to the Validation workshop of the  ICT - accessibility Policy for West Africa region. The workshop is organized by the ITU Regional Office for Africa (ROA) in partnership with Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS) Commission and will be hosted at the Commission's headquarters in Abuja from the 3 to 4 December 2018.  


The purpose of the workshop is to to present and validate the draft policy that was developed following the fora held in Burkina Faso and The Gambia in 2017. Upon validation and approval by ECOWAS ICT Ministers and the Council of Ministers, the policy will then be transposed and implemented at the national levels. 


Invitation will be extended to Ministers of ICTs, Regulators and Representatives of Persons with disabilities.

Please note that ITU will provide one full fellowship per country in ECOWAS to facilitate attendance and participation in this meeting.  Please note that fellowship applications can come from anyone of the following: Ministries of ICT and Representatives of Persons with Disabilities while Regulators are expected to fund their participation.



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