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Side Event: ICT Connectivity Challenges in Landlocked Developing Countries


At the Second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) that will be held from 3 to 5 November 2014 in Vienna, Austria, ITU is organizing a side event  on ICT Connectivity Challenges in Landlocked Developing Countries. At this Conference are expected participants from governments of LLDCs, transit developing countries and donor countries, UN and other international organizations and the private sector will come together to shape the new development agenda for the landlocked developing countries for the next decade.

The goal of this side event is to discuss ways to address the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development and connectivity challenges for the Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs). Addressing ICT connectivity including broadband will help LLDCs address special development challenges such as increased costs due to lack of access to the seaport, long distances to the ports, inadequate telecommunication and ICT infrastructure, inadequate transport infrastructure, and cumbersome customs and border crossing procedure.


Some useful links provided by the conference organizer: