Committed to connecting the world

Girls in ICT

Open Source Ecosystem Enabler


About the project


 Expected outcomes and streams of work:


Open-Source Ecosystem Enablement Framework (OSEEF)

The project will collect insights from a community of experts, analyze successful open-source initiatives, and document best practices to create an Open Source Ecosystem Enablement Framework. This framework will provide practical guidance for governments and institutions on using, sustaining and share open-source solutions and DPGs.

Open-Source Technical Facility

The project will seek to establish Open Source Technical Facilities (OSTF) to address the challenges faced by governments in implementing open-source technologies. It will start with two countries, based on their needs and development context. More information will come on this website shortly for interested OSTF host organisations. ​

Global Knowledge Hub for Open-Source Public Services

The project will develop and circulate additional training, advocacy, and communication materials through established specialized training institutions and initiatives to disseminate the practical insights pertaining to open-source implementation.  It will seek to establish a community of practice and develop a range of thematic knowledge products and training materials that will be made available on relevant platforms with open access policy. ​

​​News and events​



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 For additional information about the project, potential partnerships and collaborations
