Committed to connecting the world

Zimbabwe 2011

Workshop on the Use of Telecommunication/ICTs for Disaster Management: Saving Lives
Harare, Zimbabwe, 28 - 30 NOVEMBER 2011

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) jointly with PORTRAZ organized a Multi-stakeholder workshop on the use of Telecommunications/ICT for Disaster Management: Saving Lives that took place in Harare, Zimbabwe, 28-30 November 2011.  The purpose of this event was to bring together the main stakeholders active in the dissemination of ICTs and their use for disaster mitigation, and to serve as a forum in which they can map out concrete strategies and adopt practical measures aimed at giving ICTs a central role to play in disaster prevention and management, i.e. early warning, preparedness, relief and response.
Venue :
Rainbow Towers Hotel
Jacaranda 3
​Documents in English
​Presentations ​
  1. Application of Telemedecine in Emergencies
  2. Climate Issues and Facts: Zimbabwe
  3. Communication challenges during past disasters
  4. Spectrum issues in emergency
  5. ICTs for disaster management: Saving Lives
  6. The roles of Mars in disaster management
  7. Overview of disaster risk management and vulnerability
  8. Telecommunication status in Zimbabwe
  9. Spectrum management
  10. Remote Sensing for Disaster Management