Committed to connecting the world

Rwanda 9 to 11 July 2008

Training Workshop on Disaster Management including the Integration of Emergency Telecommunications Plans into Disaster Management Plans
(Kigali, Rwanda, 9-11, July 2008)

This training workshop is the second in a series for the Central African region. The first one was held in 2007 in Yaounde, Cameroon. That event adopted a Plan of Action which will come under extensive review and implementation assessment in Kigali. The event comes at an opportune time when the world is grappling with the spectre of a number of deadly disasters that have recently hit the various regions of the world to include floods, earthquakes and cyclones. The purpose of this event is to bring together stakeholders that are involved in disaster management from each of the countries in the Central African region. The workshop will provide participants with a forum where they can map up concrete strategies and adopt practical measures that could save lives through emergency telecommunications.

The venue for the workshop is:

Novotel Umubano

Tel: +250 582 176
Mob: +250 818 7100
Fax: +250 582 957
Location: Kacyiru
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Presentations in English
​Presentations in French