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TDAG Correspondence Group on rules of procedure of ITU-D (WTDC Resolution 1)

Terms of reference:

Building upon the extensive work undertaken during WTDC-14:

  • To review the existing text in Resolution 1 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) with a view to give practical interpretation of the working methods and prepare proposals for further improving the text of the resolution, between the two WTDCs, through the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG).
  • To study the matters dealt with in Resolution 1 and recommend areas of improvement by presenting progress on its work to the annual TDAG meetings in 2015 and 2016.
  • To examine in particular matters left outstanding by WTDC-14, e.g.

             - Continue evaluating the working methods;
             - Editorial alignments; Process and use of information documents;
             - Approval process for Study Group deliverables;
             - Duties of Co-Rapporteurs and Vice Rapporteurs; and
             - Relevant results of the 2014 Plenipotentiary Conference, if any.

  • To take into account useful information and relevant practices of the other Sectors where appropriate

Composition of the Correspondence Group on rules of procedure of ITU-D (WTDC Resolution 1):

  • The Correspondence Group is open to all ITU Member States and Sector Members.
  • The Correspondence Group is convened by Ms Roxanne McElvane (Vice-Chairman of TDAG and Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 1) and assisted by Mr Bohyun  Seo (Vice-Chairman of TDAG).  
  • The Correspondence Group will use a mailing list (please see details below).
  • The Correspondence Group interactions may include e-mail exchange via the e-mail list or through electronic meetings.


  • The terms of reference of the Correspondence Group were considered by TDAG 2014, and the Correspondence Group started its work shortly afterwards.
  • The group will conclude its work so as to finalize and submit its report to TDAG 2017. Progress reports to TDAG are provided by the Correspondence Group lead.  

Meetings and documents

Workflow in relation to RPMs for WTDC-17

The same preliminary drafts will be provided to all six Regional Preparatory Meetings for consideration. After the reviews and discussion at each RPM, subsequent RPMs will receive the revised version as an information document including specific changes or additions proposed by the region. Therefore each RPM will receive the original document for consideration and the revised documents by previous RPMs as information document. From the start of RPMs, all contributions should be sent to the RPMs.

Outcomes of RPMs will be consolidated at the inter-regional coordination meeting, TDAG CG-SPOPD meeting and TDAG 2017 meeting in May 2017, and submitted to WTDC-17 as draft documents for consideration. Member States can also send contributions to WTDC-17 on these draft documents.

- Third meeting: 10 May 2017

- Second meeting: 15 March 2016

First meeting: 27 April 2015

Mailing list

  • You will need to subscribe and manage your subscription to the list by using your TIES account.
  • presentation explaining how to subscribe and use the mailing lists is available.
  • You may only send an e-mail to the subscribers of the list if you are a subscriber yourself.
  • Mailing list archives are available for all mailing list subscribers (see below).

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