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Member States elect Doreen Bogdan-Martin as ITU Secretary-General

by ITU News

Member States of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have elected Doreen Bogdan-Martin of the United States of America as the organization’s next Secretary-General.

Bogdan-Martin will be the first woman to lead ITU, which was established in 1865 and became a United Nations specialized agency in 1947.

The election took place during ITU’s Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22) in Bucharest, Romania, on Thursday, with representatives of Member States voting during the meeting’s morning session. Bogdan-Martin won the position with 139 votes, out of 172 votes cast.​​

Doreen Bogdan-Martin delivers her acceptance speech as ITU Secretary-General-elect. Image credit: ITU/Rowan Farrell

“Whether it’s today’s children or our children’s children, we need to provide them with a strong and stable foundation for growth,” Bogdan-Martin said.

“The world is facing significant challenges – escalating conflicts, a climate crisis, food security, gender inequalities, and 2.7 billion people with no access to the Internet. I believe we, the ITU and our members, have an opportunity to make a transformational contribution. Continuous innovation can and will be a key enabler to facilitate resolution of many of these issues.”

Full election results are available here.

Read the full media release.

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