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WCIT-12: Public Views and Opinions - Terms and Conditions

1. General agreement

By submitting my views/opinions (hereinafter referred to as the “submitted content”), I formally agree to follow the technical procedure for this “Open consultation process” and to be bound by these terms and conditions, which may be updated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) at any time, and accept and agree to adhere to the privacy disclosure policy as set out below in the paragraph entitled “Use and disclosure of personal data”.  I understand that views/opinions will only be accepted if they are submitted prior to 3 November 2012 (23.59 hours, Geneva time).

2. Non-respect of these terms and conditions
I hereby formally agree that ITU, at its sole discretion, is entitled and authorized to reject the submitted content if it considers that these terms and conditions are not respected. I also hereby agree that ITU is entitled and authorized to remove from the webpage, at any time, and for the same reason, any submitted content previously posted. Such decisions on the part of ITU shall be final, binding upon me and without appeal.

3. Submitted content
ITU does not claim ownership of the information, ideas, comments, texts, communications or other material constituting the submitted content. However, I hereby grant ITU perpetual and unrestricted authorization to use such submitted content, royalty free, in connection with its activities.

4. Disclaimer of endorsement
ITU assumes no responsibility for the content of the views or opinions posted on the webpage or for any content or information referred to by means of a reference, footnote, etc., contained in the submitted content.

5. Disclaimer of liability
In no event shall ITU be liable to me or to any other person or entity for any damage arising from or in connection with my submitted content.

6. Conduct
I hereby formally agree to use the webpage solely to submit appropriate content. In so doing, I hereby agree, in particular, that:
 a) the submitted content and any part thereof shall be strictly confined to views and opinions relating to the draft of the future International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs) (also referred to as TD 64) or to any other matter concerning WCIT-12;
 b)  neither the submitted content nor any part thereof shall contain or refer to any language of a false or incorrect, inflammatory, threatening, defamatory, unlawful, obscene or other unethical nature;
 c) neither the submitted content nor any part thereof shall contain direct criticism of, or value judgement regarding any specific ITU Member State or of its institutions, political system or culture or of its leadership; nor shall the submitted content or any part thereof contain direct criticism or value judgement of any specific ITU Sector Member or Associate or Academic member.
 d) the submitted content shall not contain a false name or address or any other false personal data (note that there is no obligation to include a name or any personal data in the submission);
 e) the submitted content shall not contain attached files, hyperlinks or spam (advertising of websites, products or services of any sort), nor any element of a commercial or advertizing character;
 f) the submitted content shall not contain material that is protected by intellectual property laws unless I personally own or control the rights thereto or am able to prove that I have received all necessary authorizations.

7. Use and disclosure of personal data
I hereby formally accept, without any restriction, that my personal data (name, title, company/organization/institution, country and e-mail address), as provided to ITU when submitting the submitted content, be made public by ITU. Note that only the account name from the email address will be published; the domain name portion of the email address will not be used. For example, “john.doe@xxx would be published from an email address of  Note also that you are not obliged to include a name or any other personal data in your submission.

8. Public content
I hereby acknowledge that all submitted content is within the public domain and does not, either wholly or in part, constitute a private communication, and that I remain solely and fully responsible for my submitted content.

9. Use of submitted content by ITU Member States
I hereby acknowledge that the ITU Member States (of which there are 193) have been urged to consider and, as appropriate, take account of submitted content in their preparations for WCIT 12. Consequently, I hereby agree to word my submitted content appropriately and accordingly. Furthermore, I hereby grant each and every ITU Member State perpetual and unrestricted authorization to use my submitted content, royalty free, in connection with its preparations for WCIT-12.

10. Languages of submitted content
I hereby formally agree to submit my views/opinions in one (or more) of the six official languages of ITU only, i.e. Arabic/Chinese/English/French/Russian/Spanish. If I decide to submit my views/opinions in more than one ITU official languages, I hereby acknowledge that I remain fully and solely responsible for the alignment of all linguistic versions of my submitted content.