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Special SDG9 Session at WSIS

​​​​​​​​​​​​Special SDG9 ​Session at WSIS
​​15th June 2017​, Session theme and type​​​​

SDG9 WSIS session

See a blog post on this session on the ITU News page and video footage of the session available on UNIDO’s facebook as well as their Press release.

Opening Keynote Address

Timings :  09.15 - 09.25 
Session type:  Keynote Welcome address.
Participant: Mr. Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General


New Investments and Strengthening Partnerships for SDG 9

Timings :  09.25 - 09.40 
Session type:  Guest speaker.
Participant: ​ Mr. Jos Verbeek, Special Representative to the UN and the WTO in Geneva, World Bank

Digital transformation for Sustainable Development

Timings :  09.40 - 10.45
​Session type:  Panel discussion/Round table
 Moderator: Prof. Tim Unwin, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D and Emeritus Professor of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London
Themes: The session will discuss the

Break Timings :  10.45 - 11.00


Preparing for the 4th Industrial Revolution

​Timings :  11.00 - 12.00 
Session type - Panel Discussion Moderation:​


Moderator: Frank Van Rompaey, UNIDO Representative in Geneva



How to ensure success at the Country-level

​Timings :  12.00 - 12.40
Session type:  Key note presentation followed by panel discussion by ITU representative, Ministers and private sector

Introduction: Ms. Fatou Haidara, Managing Director of Policy and Programme Support and Director of the Department of Human Resources Management, UNIDO

Participants​Moderator: Mr. Filipe Miguel Antunes Batista, Secretary General, ARCTEL-CPLP



Achieving SDG-9 – Essential Steps for Successful Action

​Break Timings :  12.40- 13.00
Session type
Closing remarks
