Committed to connecting the world

Presidential meeting in Moldova

Dr Touré receives the national ‘Order of Honor’ from the President
of Moldova, H. E. Nicolae Timofti.

16-17 April 2013, Chisinau, Moldova

ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun Toure visited the Republic Moldova at the invitation of the Minister of Information Technology and Communications, H. E. Pavel Filip, to meet with national leaders and participate in the Moldova ICT Summit 2013.

The President of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, took the occasion to personally thank Dr Touré for the support provided by ITU in the implementation of 48 public Internet access points in postal offices in villages across the country.

Dr Touré was honoured with the award of Moldova’s ‘Order of Honor’ in recognition of his own contributions to the continued development of the global ICT sector.

Dr Touré expressed his optimism about the growing role the ICT sector is playing in Moldova’s ongoing development. “During the ICT Summit in Chisinau it was clear that Moldova has many young people with great potential. ITU is delighted to have the chance to work with the government and private sector here in Moldova to transform the aspirations of these talented young people into reality,” he said.