Committed to connecting the world

ITU Council 2010

13-22 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland

Dr Hamadoun Touré, ITU Secretary-General, gives the ITU medal and certificates to the Chairman of the ITU Council 2010, Mr R.N. Council 2010 had a heavy agenda, and I was very pleased to see it completed in a cordial, friendly spirit. We had 16 meetings and it was a tribute to Council Members that we were able to rely on them to direct the management and functioning of the Union without the need for weekend or night sessions. On a personal level I was very pleased to see that so many Members agreed on the growing importance of broadband.

Key Council activities this year included: continuation of the work of the Council Working Group for the elaboration of the draft strategic plan and the draft financial plan for 2012-2015; the agreement to hold WCIT-12 in November 2012, back-to-back with the WTSA; the agreement on ITU’s role in ICTs and improving Road Safety; and provisional approval  for a cooperation agreement between ITU and CERN. Council also: approved its four year report to PP on the activities of the Union; reviewed preparations for WTDC-10 and PP-10; agreed that a group needs to be created to find a way forward in streamlining the Convention and the Constitution; and agreed the continuation of the work on conformance and interoperability testing, taking account of the extensive views expressed by Councillors.



ITU Council 2010 closing ceremony