ITU to host workshop on 5G security on 19 March featured image

ITU to host workshop on 5G security on 19 March

5G systems will support enhanced mobile broadband, massive-scale Internet of Things, and ultra-reliable and low latency communications for applications such as automated driving, remote medical surgery, collaborative robotics, and advanced virtual reality.

An ITU Workshop on 5G Security in Geneva, 19 March 2018, will discuss the security threats to be mitigated as networks evolve to deliver the huge number and diversity of information and communication technology (ICT) applications expected of the 5G era.

The workshop will feature speakers representing industry players such as China Mobile, Huawei, Trialog and KT; and academic and research institutes such as KAIST, King’s College London, the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security and Nokia-Bell Labs .

Participation in the workshop is free of charge and open to all. Register here.

The workshop will analyze the security environment of emerging 5G systems to determine how international standardization could fortify the security of 5G infrastructure, applications and services.

The findings of the workshop will feed into ITU’s standardization expert group responsible for ‘building confidence and security in the use of ICTs’, ITU-T Study Group 17, which meets 20-29 March.

“Our standardization work for 5G security will promote ‘security by design’, a principle calling for security to be considered throughout the value chain, from system inception and design to implementation and deployment,” says Heung Youl Youm, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 17.

The workshop will identify threats to 5G security, assess the status of related security technologies, and share insight into standards bodies’ efforts to support the development of a secure 5G ecosystem. RELATED: How ITU helps to create a new mobile era via 5G

A key focus of the workshop will be to determine where ITU-T Study Group 17 could contribute to further standards collaboration in support of 5G security.

Learn more about the workshop on the event’s homepage.

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