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International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference (1st session) (Mexico City, 1948-1949)

22 October 1948 - 10 April 1949 - Mexico City, Mexico

To learn more about the work and outcomes of this conference use the tabs below to access related publications, documents, and additional information.

Resources are grouped together by category. Click on a tab to find materials such as:

> Conference Outcomes: Final Acts, Regulations, and Reports
> Conference Documents: Contributions and working documents including proposals, administrative reports, minutes of meetings, policy statements, and draft texts
> Quick Facts: Chair, List of Participants, and the number of participating countries
> Further Reading: Articles, Newsletters, Useful Links, and a link to the Library catalogue
International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference (1st session) (Mexico City, 1948-1949)
Use the tabs below to explore the different publications, documents, and resources related to this event. The History of ITU Portal uses Persistent Identifiers for its digitized documents. To copy a Persistent ID, hover the cursor over the document link and then right-click on it.


International High Frequency Broadcasting Agreement (Mexico City, 1948-1949)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Accord international sur la radiodiffusion à hautes frequences (Mexico, 1948-1949)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Acuerdo Internacional sobre la Radiodifusion por Altas Frequencias (México, 1948-1949)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
International High Frequency Broadcasting Agreement (Mexico City, 1948-1949)(Pусский)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Mexico City Plan annexed to the International High Frequency Broadcasting Agreement Basic Plan (Mexico City, 1948-1949)(Multilingual)download PDF PDF (acrobat)

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List of Documents of the International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference (Mexico City, 1948-1949)(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 1-100(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 101-200(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 201-300(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 301-400(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 401-500(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 501-600(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 601-700(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 701-800(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 801-900(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 901-966(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Field Intensity Charts(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
OWF Curves(English)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Liste des documents de la Conférence internationale de radiodiffusion à hautes fréquences (Méxique, 1948-1949)(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 1-100(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 101-200(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 201-300(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 301-400(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 401-500(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 501-600(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 601-700(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 701-800(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 801-900(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Document No. 901-966(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Graphiques des intensités de champ(Français)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Lista de documentos de la Conferencia Internacional de Radiodifusión por Altas Frecuencias (México, 1948-1949)(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 1-100(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 101-200(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 201-300(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 301-400(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 401-500(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 501-600(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 601-700(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 701-800(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 801-900(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Documentos No. 901-966(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Gráficas de intensidad de campo(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Curvas de FOT(Español)download PDF PDF (acrobat)


Mr. Miguel Pereya (Mexico)

Countries participating


List of participants

List of Participants of the International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference (Mexico City, 1948-1949)(Multilingual)download PDF PDF (acrobat)


"International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference, Mexico, 1948." Telecommunication Journal, no. 12 (1948): 486-496.(Multilingual)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
"International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference, Mexico, 1948." Telecommunication Journal, no. 2 (1949): 65-74.(Multilingual)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
"International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference, Mexico, 1948." Telecommunication Journal, no. 5 (1949): 230-239.(Multilingual)download PDF PDF (acrobat)
Mercier, Cl. "International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference: Technical Plan Committee." Telecommunication Journal, no. 4 (1950): 114-116.(Multilingual)download PDF PDF (acrobat)

Library Catalogue

Link to the Library Catalogue (Mexico, 1948-1949)(Multilingual) URL
YearConference NameAcronymRadio ServicesRegionsPlace


Preliminary Conference on Wireless Telegraphy (Berlin, 1903)

Mobile - MaritimeWorldBerlin


International Radiotelegraph Conference (Berlin, 1906)

Mobile - MaritimeWorldBerlin


International Radiotelegraph Conference (London, 1912)

Mobile - MaritimeWorldLondon


International Radiotelegraph Conference (Washington, 1927)

All servicesWorldWashington, D.C.


European Radiotelegraph Conference (Prague, 1929)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesPrague


International Radiotelegraph Conference (Madrid, 1932)

All servicesWorldMadrid


European Radio Conference (Lucerne, 1933)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesLucerne


International Radiocommunication Conference (Cairo, 1938)

All servicesWorldCairo


European Broadcasting Conference (Montreux, 1939)

Mobile - Aeronautical, BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesMontreux


International Radio Conference (Atlantic City, 1947)

All servicesWorldAtlantic City


International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference (Atlantic City, 1947)

BroadcastingWorldAtlantic City


European Broadcasting Conference (Copenhagen, 1948)

CERBroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesCopenhagen


Regional Maritime Radio Conference (Copenhagen, 1948)

MAR-48Mobile - MaritimeRegional - Radio ConferencesCopenhagen


International Administrative Aeronautical Radio Conference (1st Session) (Geneva, 1948)

Mobile - AeronauticalWorldGeneva


International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference (1st session) (Mexico City, 1948-1949)

CIRAFBroadcastingWorldMexico City


Special Administrative Conference for the North-East Atlantic (LORAN) (Geneva, 1949)

Mobile - MaritimeRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Administrative Radio Conference for Region 1 (Geneva, 1949)

All servicesRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Administrative Radio Conference for Region 3 (Geneva, 1949)

All servicesRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


North American Regional Broadcasting Conference (1st Session) (Montreal, 1949)

NARBABroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesMontreal


International Telecommunication Union Region 2 - Fourth Inter-American Radio Conference (Washington, D.C., 1949)

All servicesRegional - Radio ConferencesWashington, D.C.


International Administrative Aeronautical Radio Conference (2nd Session) (Geneva, 1949)

Mobile - AeronauticalWorldGeneva


North American Regional Broadcasting Conference (2nd Session) (Washington, D.C., 1950)

NARBABroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesWashington, D.C.


2nd International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference (Florence-Rapallo, 1950)



Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference (Geneva, 1951)

EARC-51All servicesWorldGeneva


European Broadcasting Conference (Stockholm, 1952)

CERBroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesStockholm


Administrative Radio Conference (Geneva, 1959)

All servicesWorldGeneva


Special Regional Conference (Geneva, 1960)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


European VHF/UHF Broadcasting Conference (Special Regional Conference) (Stockholm, 1961)

CER / ST61BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesStockholm


African VHF/UHF Broadcasting Conference (Geneva, 1963)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference to allocate frequency bands for space radiocommunication purposes (Geneva, 1963)



African LF/MF Broadcasting Conference (Geneva, 1964)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference for the preparation of a revised allotment plan for the aeronautical mobile (R) service (1st session) (Geneva, 1964)

EARC-64Mobile - AeronauticalWorldGeneva


African LF/MF Broadcasting Conference (Geneva, 1966)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference for the preparation of a revised allotment plan for the aeronautical mobile (R) service (2nd session) (Geneva, 1966)

EARC-66Mobile - AeronauticalWorldGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference to deal with matters relating to the maritime mobile service (Geneva, 1967)

WARC MarMobile - MaritimeWorldGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference for Space Telecommunications (Geneva, 1971)

WARC-71 SpaceWorldGeneva


Regional Administrative LF/MF Broadcasting Conference (Regions 1 and 3) (1st session) (Geneva, 1974)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


World Maritime Administrative Radio Conference (Geneva, 1974)

WMARC-74Mobile - MaritimeWorldGeneva


Regional Administrative LF/MF Broadcasting Conference (Regions 1 and 3) (2nd session) (Geneva, 1975)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of the Broadcasting-Satellite Service in Frequency Bands 11.7-12.2 GHz (Regions 2 and 3) and 11.7-12.5 GHz (Region 1) (Geneva, 1977)

WARC SAT-77Mobile - Maritime, BroadcastingWorldGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference on the Aeronautical Mobile (R) Service (Geneva, 1978)

WARC-Aer2Mobile - AeronauticalWorldGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference (Geneva, 1979)

WARC-79All servicesWorldGeneva


Regional Administrative MF Broadcasting Conference (Region 2) (1st session) (Buenos Aires, 1980)

RARC-1BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesBuenos Aires


Regional Administrative MF Broadcasting Conference (Region 2) (2nd session) (Rio de Janeiro, 1981)

RARC-2BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesRio de Janeiro


Regional Administrative Conference for FM Sound Broadcasting in the VHF band (Region 1 and certain countries concerned in Region 3) (1st session) (Geneva, 1982)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Regional Administrative Conference for the planning of the Broadcasting-Satellite Service in Region 2 (Geneva, 1983)

RARC SAT-83Broadcasting, SpaceRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference for the Mobile Services (Geneva, 1983)

WARC MOB-83Mobile - Land, Mobile - Maritime, Mobile - AeronauticalWorldGeneva


Regional Administrative Conference for FM Sound Broadcasting in the VHF band (Region 1 and certain countries concerned in Region 3) (2nd session) (Geneva, 1984)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of the HF Bands Allocated to the Broadcasting Service (1st session) (Geneva, 1984)

WARC HFBC-84BroadcastingWorldGeneva


Regional Administrative Radio Conference for the Maritime Mobile Service and the Aeronautical Radionavigation Service in certain parts of the MF band in Region 1 (Geneva, 1985)

Mobile - Maritime, Mobile - AeronauticalRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Regional Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of Frequencies for Maritime Radiobeacons in the European Maritime Area (Geneva, 1985)

Mobile - MaritimeRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Regional Administrative Radio Conference of the Members of the Union in the African Broadcasting Area to abrogate certain parts of the Geneva Agreement (1963) (Geneva, 1985)

GE85BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Regional Administrative Radio Conference of the Members of the Union in the European Broadcasting Area to revise certain parts of the Stockholm Agreement (1961) (Geneva, 1985)

BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference on the use of the geostationary-satellite orbit and the planning of the space services utilizing it (1st session) (Geneva, 1985)

WARC ORB-85SpaceWorldGeneva


Regional Administrative Radio Conference to establish a plan for the broadcasting service in the band 1605-1705 kHz in Region 2 (1st session) (Geneva, 1986)

RARC BC-R2(1)BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Regional Administrative Radio Conference for the planning of VHF/UHF television broadcasting in the African Broadcasting Area and neighbouring countries (1st session) (Nairobi, 1986)

RARC AFBC(1)BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesNairobi


World Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of the HF Bands Allocated to the Broadcasting Service (2nd session) (Geneva, 1987)

WARC HFBC-87BroadcastingWorldGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference for the Mobile Services (Geneva, 1987)

WARC MOB-87Mobile - Land, Mobile - Maritime, Mobile - AeronauticalWorldGeneva


Regional Administrative Radio Conference to establish a plan for the broadcasting service in the band 1605-1705 kHz in Region 2 (2nd session) (Rio de Janeiro, 1988)

RARC BC-R2(2)BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesRio de Janeiro


World Administrative Radio Conference on the use of the geostationary-satellite orbit and the planning of the space services utilizing it (2nd session) (Geneva, 1988)

WARC ORB-88SpaceWorldGeneva


Regional Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of VHF/UHF Television Broadcasting in the African Broadcasting Area and Neighbouring Countries (2nd session) (Geneva, 1989)

RARC AFBC-2BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Regional Administrative Conference of the Members of the Union in the African Broadcasting Area to abrogate the Regional Agreement for the African Broadcasting Area (Geneva, 1963) (Geneva, 1989)

AF+BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


World Administrative Radio Conference for Dealing with Frequency Allocations in Certain Parts of the Spectrum (Málaga-Torremolinos, 1992)

WARC-92All servicesWorldMalaga-Torremolinos


World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 1993)

WRC-93All servicesWorldGeneva


World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 1995)

WRC-95All servicesWorldGeneva


World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 1997)

WRC-97All servicesWorldGeneva


World Radiocommunication Conference (Istanbul, 2000)

WRC-2000All servicesWorldIstanbul


World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2003)

WRC-03All servicesWorldGeneva


Regional Radiocommunication Conference for planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2004)

RRC-04BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Regional Radiocommunication Conference for planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (2nd session) (Geneva, 2006)

RRC-06BroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the revision of the Stockholm 1961 Agreement, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006)

RRC-06-Rev.ST61 / RRC-06-EURBroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the revision of the Geneva 1989 Agreement, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006)

RRC-06-Rev.GE89 / RRC-06-AFRBroadcastingRegional - Radio ConferencesGeneva


World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2007)

WRC-07All servicesWorldGeneva


World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2012)

WRC-12All servicesWorldGeneva


World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2015)

WRC-15All servicesWorldGeneva


World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) (Sharm el-Sheikh, 2019)

WRC-19All servicesWorldSharm el-Sheikh


World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) (Dubai, 2023)

WRC-23All servicesWorldDubai