Submission of Contributions
You can submit your contribution to the Online Open Consultation (October 2019 - January 2020) by completing the following form.
[For the accessible version of the submission form, click here]
The deadline for submissions is: 22 January 2020
Submission guidelines:
- Responses can be submitted either as a .pdf/.doc document (recommended) or as simple text in the "Comments" section.
It is highly recommended that each submission also includes a short summary/abstract (1-3 paragraphs). This will form part of the final summary document to be published after the end of the Physical Open Consultation meeting.
- The summary can be provided either in the "Comments" section or as part of the attached document (preferably identified with the word "SUMMARY").
- If your online submission is drafted in a UN language other than English, you are kindly encouraged to additionally provide a translation in English for the benefit of all readers.