ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Council Expert Group on Decision 482



At its 2023 ordinary session, the ITU Council decided to create a new Expert Group on Decision 482 (EG-DEC482). The Terms of Reference of the EG-DEC482 are to be found in Decision 632 (adopted at the seventh Plenary meeting of Council-23). 
Following the recommendations made under Decision 632, the 2024 session of the ITU Council adopted a revi​sed version of Decision 482.


the appropriateness or otherwise of any of the items listed in the ToRs, based on information provided by the Radiocommunication Bureau if requested and contributions submitted to its meetings; prepare an interim report containing recommendations for the possible revision of Decision 482 for submission to Council-24; prepare a final report for action and possible revision of Decision 482, for submission to Council-25.

​​​See full Terms of Reference 


Third meeting: 10-11 February 2025, ITU Headquarters, Room A
- Invitation letter CL-24/67​
- Register here! (Open to Member States, Res.99, Sector Members)
Draft agenda​
Official documents / contributions
- Documents with limited distribution (DL)​​
Temporary documents​ (DT) (no documents yet)
Webcast live / Webcast archives​ (TIES protected)​

Virtual presentation​ with a Q&A session on EG-Dec482​
Held on Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 1200-1500 hours (Geneva time​​

​Second meeting: 4-5 November 2024, ITU Headquarters
- Invitation letter CL-24/43​
- Draft agenda​
- Official documents/contributions
- Temporary documents​ (DT)
Final list of ​participants​
Webcast archives​ (TIES protected)​

First meeting: 22-23 January 2024, ITU Headquarters
- Invitation letter CL-23/47
- Official documents/contributions
- Temporary documents​ (DT)​
- Final list of ​participants (TIES protected)​
- Webcast archives​ (T​IES protected)​​


See meetings from the previous cycle​