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Side event: International Standards and Sustainable Green & Innovative Power Solutions to bring Broadband Internet Connectivity to Rural and Remote Areas



The International Telecommunication Union organized a side event on International Standards and Sustainable Green & Innovative Power Solutions to bring Broadband Internet Connectivity to Rural and Remote Areas taking place on 22 June 2021 from 12h00 to 13h00 CEST. The side event was held during the Ministerial Thematic Forums for the High-level Dialogue on Energy, 21-25 June 2021.

Electricity is needed for most Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), from recharging devices, powering mobile base stations, to running data centres. Energy is essential for the information and communication technology sector to help connect the world’s people and deliver the benefits of ICTs. Access to reliable and affordable electricity remains a major constraint especially in the world’s LDCs, where people stand to benefit most from the opportunities of ICTs, but where grid electricity is rare and incomes low. Electricity networks may also be leveraged to extend broadband backbones. Infrastructure sharing and re-use can be an important tool to save costs and expand services, highlighting the importance of cooperation between ICT and energy sectors and in particular for power line communications (PLC). At the same time, innovations in ICTs help build sustainable supply of electricity, which is vital to address the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation.  ​

Objective​s ​

The objectives of this session are to:​


12:00 – 12:55
Session on International Standards and Sustainable Green & Innovative Power Solutions to bring Broadband Internet Connectivity to Rural and Remote Areas

Moderator: Reyna UbedaInternational Telecommunication Union: ITU, providing Sustainable Green & Innovative Power Solutions worldwide [Presentation]

Questions & Answers​​
12:55 – 13:00
Closing Remarks