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Regional Group of SG12 on QoS for the Africa Region (SG12 RG-AFR)


The SG12 RG - AFR was established by Study Group 12 at its 22-30 May 2008 meeting. The main objectives of the Regional Group are as follows:

  • To encourage active participation of African administrations, regulators and operators in the work of ITU-T.

  • To boost discussions on QoS challenges facing administrations, operators and regulators in the continent.

  • To encourage participation of African countries in Rapporteur’s meetings, workshops and other ITU-T Study Group 12 events.

  • To encourage African countries to contribute to the development of new/revised ITU-T Recommendations.

  • To encourage the African countries to actively participate in the Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG) and other QoS related meetings.

  • To ensure that ITU-T provides relevant information on QoS standards applicable to telecommunication networks, including test equipment for QoS monitoring and measuring, and assists in their implementation.

  • Act as liaison body between African telecommunication administrations/operators/regulators and ITU-T in matters relating to QoS standards.

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