ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world



What is UIFN ?

A Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN) enables an International Freephone Service (IFS) customer to be allocated a unique freephone number(s) that is the same throughout the world.
A UIFN is composed of a three-digit country code for global service application, i.e. 800, followed by an 8 digit Global Subscriber Number (GSN), resulting in an 11­digit fixed format. (An IFS caller must dial an international prefix prior to the UIFN.)
The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the ITU has been requested to perform the task of Registrar for UIFNs, responsible for processing registration requests and assignment of the GSN portion of the UIFN in accordance with ITU-T (new) Recommendation E.169.1 and (revised) Recommendation E.152 , "International Freephone Service".

Who can apply for UIFN?

Only an international telecommunication recognized operating agency (ROA), as defined in the ITU Constitution, can submit an application on behalf of the IFS (International Freephone Service) customer in accordance with Recommendations E.169 and E.152. National Administrations may, as a national matter, choose to coordinate applications from their ROAs, or act as applicant on behalf of, their ROAs.
UIFNs will be assigned to IFS customers who intend to use the IFS service between two or more countries, in other words IFS customers offering a service that is only accessed from within a single national, or integrated numbering plan, will not be considered eligible.
In order to be qualified for a UIFN number, the number has to be in-service between two or more countries within 180 days from the date of its reservation with the UIFN Registrar otherwise it will be cancelled.

The UIFN Format

A UIFN is composed of a 3-digit CC (ITU-T Recommendation E.164 country code) for a global service application, 800 and an 8-digit Global Subscriber Number (GSN), resulting in an 11-digit fixed format.
As an example, an IFS customer's UIFN could be +800 12345678, where 12345678 being the IFS customer's GSN.
An IFS caller must dial an international prefix prior to the UIFN.


ITU-T Recommendation E.164 Country Code


Global Subscriber Number


International Freephone Service


Universal International Freephone Number

Registration Application Fee

The UIFN Request Form should be accompanied by evidence of payment of the registration application fee for the reservation of the UIFN by the Registrar. The registration application fee is currently 300 Swiss francs since 1 January 2018. Please see No.1127 of ITU Operational Bulletin. For non ITU-T and ITU-R Sector Members, an annual maintenance fee of 100 Swiss francs per number assigned or reserved is collected since 1 January 2018. For further information for becoming a member, please contact:​.

Method of payment

Advance payment can be made:

Further information

UIFN Registrar
International Telecommunication Union
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
Place des Nations CH - 1211 GENEVA 20, Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 730 6220
Fax: +41 22 730 6200