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​​​​ITU Workshop on Security Aspects of Intelligent Transport System   
Geneva, Switzerland, 28 August 2017


​08:30 - 09:30 Registration
​09:30 - 09:45 ​Opening Remarks
Moderator: Xiaoya Yang (ITU-TSB)           
​09:45 - 11:15

Session 1: Understanding current threats and security requirements
Moderator: Zhaoji Lin (ZTE) [ Biography ]

This session will identify threats and vulnerabilities in ITS services and networks from different stakeholders’ perspectives including legal perspective, to address security requirements for mitigating those threats, to present applications for secure ITS and to share experiences in implementing secure applications and services in ITS environment.          

​11:15 - 11:30 Coffee Break
​11:30 - 12:50

​​Session 2: ITS security standardization Overview
Moderator: Koji Nakao (NICT) [ Biography ]

As vehicles become increasingly connected and autonomous, exciting new connected services and the promise of driverless capabilities are turning the car into an attractive target for hackers, fraudsters and other sophisticated cyber criminals. On the one hand, International Standardization on ITS Security has been timely started focusing on a set of practical references for ITS security and automotive security studies in many SDOs. Through this session, we will share the on-going activities on ITS security standardization from ISO/IEC, ITU-T, and other related SDOs and seek for any opportunities to work together among related SDOs.           ​

​12:50 - 14:00 ​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:45

Session 3: Mitigating security threats to automotive systems
Moderator: SangWoo Lee (ETRI) [ Biography ]

This session considers several types of security threats in ITS and automotive systems. Nowadays, telematics systems could be the security vulnerabilities for hackers. The traditional cyber security attacks such as DDoS in vehicular communication environments can cause traffic accidents enormously. Therefore, the session will discuss about how to secure ITS environment against those threats.     

​15:45 - 16:00 Coffee Break
​​​16:00 - 17:30

Session 4: Panel discussion – Future directions on ITS standardization activity

Moderator: Paul Najarian (United States​) [ Biography I Reference Material ]

This session engages a roundtable discussion between representatives of external organizations and ITU-T SG17 to identify potential items that SG17 needs to analyse/review, and develop international standards accordingly. The discussion will provide an overview of the landscape of ITS security standardization, currently underway in various international standards bodies. The roundtable will focus on areas of future collaboration between the external organizations and SG17; and discuss potential ways forward where all the organizations could mutually cooperate in addressing ITS security standards requirements. ​

​17:30 - 17:45 ​Closing Session

 *To be confirmed​​​​