Committed to connecting the world

Network of Women for WRC-19 (NOW4WRC19)


[NEW] NOW is launching a series of interviews with leading women and men in Radiocommunications to give insights, to tell their stories and to show why more women should join this exciting field.

Please see ITU Blog HERE

Network of Women portal is


​Wednesday – May 2 – Launch of new cycle of the mentorship programme of the Network of Women for WRC-19 (NOW4WRC19 ) open to participants of the ITU-R ​Task Group 5/1 meeting in Geneva.

Tuesday – May 8 - Network of Women for WRC-19, a social event of ITU-R Task Group 5/1​ meeting (TBC). ​​

ITU and UNESCO Chair in ICT4D session at WSIS Forum 2018: International decision-making in ICT – where are the women?  A co-created mind-maps by Professor Tim Unwin from this session are available here : the Mind-Map of the opening and the Mind-Map of the discussion.

The mentorship programme for Task Group 5/1 participants (cycle 4 of TG5/1)

A new mentorship programme cycle starts at the Task Group 5/1 meeting to be held at ITU in Geneva in May 2018. In this cycle, the focus will be on the technical topics and processes of Task Group 5/1 in relation to the WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.13.

  • If you are interested in participating in this mentorship programme cycle and share your experience, please fill in the online form HERE​ -- OPEN NOW -- 
  • For questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact our coordinators on site Ms Jennifer Manner ( or Ms Luciana Camargos (      
  • The tri-fold brochure with more information about the mentorship programme is available here

If you simply want to follow this initiative, you may fill in this contact form.

What is the Network of Women for WRC-19 (NOW4WRC19)?

The intent of the NOW4WRC19 initiative is to start building capacity early on in the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) process in order to encourage a larger participation of women as delegates, chairs, vice-chairs, etc., at WRC-19. Its main objectives are:​

  • Gender balance among delegates
  • Prepare women delegates in key roles for WRC-19
  • Grow the ITU women’s community capacity and contribution      

The Network of Women for WRC-19 initiative was launched last December (2016) by the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, Mr François Rancy. For further information, please visit the related website

The Network of Women for WRC-19 initiative will cover main ITU-R events from now until WRC-19.
The NOW4WRC19 initiative builds on the success of the WeLead mentoring programme launched by FCC at the WRC-15. It benefits from the experience of 15 years of growing synergy between the community of women delegates in the radiocommunications sector, from the Annual Women’s Breakfast​, to the Women's Leadership Workshop at WRC-15. ​NOW4WRC19 aims to continue growing the synergy of this community and providing a forum for sharing knowledge, networking and mentoring.

The mentorship programme for Task Group 5/1 participants (cycle 2 and 3 of TG5/1)

The third mentorship programme cycle started at the Task Group 5/1 meeting held at ITU in Geneva in January 2018. The second mentorship programme cycle started at the Task Group 5/1 meeting held in Abu Dhabi in September 2017. In these cycles, the focus was on the technical topics and processes of Task Group 5/1 in relation to the WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.13.

The coordinators for these meetings were Ms Jennifer Manner and Ms Luciana Camargos

These cycles have ended. If you have participated and are interested in giving feedback on the mentorship programme, please fill in the online form: for mentors HERE​ , for mentees HERE​ 


The mentorship programme for Task Group 5/1 participants (cycle 1 of TG5/1)

The first mentorship programme cycle started at the Task Group 5/1 meeting held at ITU in Geneva in May 2017. In this cycle, the focus was on the technical topics and processes of Task Group 5/1 in relation to the WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.13.

The coordinators for this meeting were Ms Florence Magnier and Dr Hanane Naciri

The cycle has ended. If you have participated and are interested in giving feedback on the mentorship programme, please fill in the online form: for mentors HERE​ , for mentees HERE​

For further information about the first-cycle of the mentorship programme which opened earlier in May 2017 for participants of Working Party 4A, please visit the related website