ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU Regional Radiocommunication Seminar 2021 – Online meeting, 26 April - 7 May 2021

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The ​​International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is organizing
the Regional Radiocommunication S​eminar 2021 for the
Americas (RRS-21-Americas), in collaboration with the
Inter-American Telecom​munication Commission (CITEL)
and the Colombian National Spectrum Agency (ANE). 
The RRS-21-Americas will be held online over the period 26 April - 7 May 2021​ (please see the Draft Programme) with
3-hour daily sessions (weekdays only).


The lectures and discussions during RRS-21-Americas will be in Spanish (please note that some material such as presentations and software tools will be in English only).​


The Seminar will follow an online format, with daily sessions from 0800 to 1115 ​(UTC - 5​H); an e mail with all instructions about the platform to be used and how to access it​ will be sent before the event.

The Seminar will be conducted in a “paperless” environment, i.e. the seminar documentation will be available on this page. Given the amount of practical work expected during the workshops, participants are required to install the necessary tools on their laptops in advance; laptops should be able to perform the set of minimal specifications detailed on the Laptop Requirements docum​ent.


ITU Member States and Academia as well as ITU-R Sector Members and Associates are invited to attend the 
​RRS-21-Americas. Attendance is free of charge for their representatives. ​

Advance registration of all participants is required. Registration will be carried out exclusively online and will require the approval o​f the corresponding Designated Focal Point (DFP) for ITU-R event registration. 

​Participants will find the necessary information on registration at:​.​