Committed to connecting the world

2011-2018 BDT Director’s Corner

​​​​​​​​Mr. Brahima Sanou was elected Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau by the Plenipotentiary Conference in October 2010 in Guadalajara, Mexico and took office on 1 January 2011.
Mr Sanou was re-elected, on 24 October 2014, to a second four-year term which ended on 31st December 2018.​


Geneva, Switzerland, 10 December 2018
World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS-18)
The 16th World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) was held in Geneva Switzerland, from 10 to 12 December.

Geneva, Swizerland, 01 October 2018
ITU Wayfindr Cooperation Agreement on Capacity Building
​ITU and Wayfindr, a non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom, signed a cooperation agreement in August to deliver training on the design of audio-based navigation systems, which address the needs of persons with vision impairment.​

Geneva, Switzerland, 01 October 2018
ITU UNIDO/GMIS Special Session
​More than 120 experts, from public and private sectors, policy-makers, the information and communication technology (ICT) industry and academia, met in Geneva on 1 October for a Special Session to discuss the role of ICTs in promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development, and fostering innovation to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).​

Durban, South Africa , 11 September 2018
Guide to Developing a National Cybersecurity Strategy
ITU, together with 11 partners from intergovernmental and international organizations, private sector, as well as academia and civil society have published the National Cybersecurity Strategy Guide to assist countries in the development and implementation of national cybersecurity strategies including cyber-preparedness and resilience.​​

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24 August 2018
New initiative launched to bridge the gender digital divide in Africa
ITU and UN Women, in collaboration with the African Union Commission, have launched a new initiative to equip girls and young women in Africa with digital literacy skills.