Committed to connecting the world

ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 Rapporteurs and BDT Focal Points

Study Group 1

Question 7-3/1 - Implementation of universal access to broadband services

Focal Point

Ms. A. Pileri


Mr H. Makki (Switzerland)


Ms. F. Apetey (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr L. Gaofeng (China)

Mr J. B. Yuma Utchudi (Dem. Rep. of the Congo)

Mr A. Kébé (Guinea)

Mr J. N. Njeru (Kenya)

Mr F. Güven (Türk Telekom Group, Turkey)

Mr T. Muluk (Intel Corporation, United States of America)

Question 10-3/1 – The impact of the licensing and authorization regime and other relevant regulatory measures on competition in a converged telecommunication/ICT environment

Focal Point

Ms. N. Sundberg


Ms. F. Mdachi (Tanzania)


Ms D. M’Poue (Côte d’Ivoire)

M A. Traoré (Mali)

Mr S. B. Wagle (Nepal)

Mr A. Malam Garba (Niger)

Mr B. S. Diop (Senegal)

Ms. E.E.Djomeda (Togo)

Mr M. H. Koç (Türk Telekom Group, Turkey)

Question 12-3/1 – Tariff policies, tariff models and methods of determining the costs of services on national telecommunication networks, including next-generation networks

Focal Point

Ms. C. Prado-Wagner


Mr A. V. Capo (Togo)


Mr T. Came Bertini (Brazil)

Mr A. Ipou (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr A. Kébé (Guinea)

Mr J. N. Njeru (Kenya)

Mr A. Dembelé (Mali)

Ms R. M. Gómez de Evers (COPACO S.A., Paraguay)

Mr H. Sy (Senegal)

Mr U. Yüksel (Türk Telekom Group, Turkey)

Ms. N. T. M. Huyen (Viet Nam)

Question 18-2/1 – Enforcing national policies and regulations on consumer protection notably in a converging environment

Focal Point

Mr. M. Fall


Ms. F. R. Assoumou-Bessou (Côte d’Ivoire)


Mr A. R. Houéhou (African ICT Consumers Network (AICN), Benin)

Mr C. Jinqiao (China)

Mr P. Mège (THALES Communications, France)

Mr M. Dioulde Saw (Guinea)

Mr I. A. Koné (Mali)

Mr F. Ardiç (Türk Telekom Group, Turkey)

Question 19-2/1 – Implementation of IP telecommunication services in developing countries

Focal Point

Mr D. Karyabwite


Mr F. Djoumessi Dontsa (Cameroon)


Mr Y. Bouzar (Algeria)

Mr R. Outemzabet (Algeria)

Mr P. Zeboua (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr S. M. Faty (Senegal)



Question 20-1/1 – Access to telecommunication services and information and communication technologies (ICT) by persons with disabilities

Focal Point

Ms. S. Schorr

Acting Rapporteur

Ms. M. Duhem (Mexico)


Mr R. Alabatena (Cameroon)

Mr Y. Tomioka (Tokai University, Japan)

Mr A. Dembelé (Mali)

Mr F. Güven (Türk Telekom Goup, Turkey)

Question 22-1/1 – Securing information and communication networks : Best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity

Focal Point

Mr M. Obiso


Mr J. Ennis (United States of America)


Mr E. Lear (Cisco Systems Inc., United States of America)


Ms. V. Copetti Cravo (Brazil)

Ms. F. Apetey (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr D. Z. Gbongué (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr R. Jha (India)

Mr R. El Moutarajji (Morocco)

Mr R. Al-Balushi (Oman)

Ms E. Nzagi (Tanzania)

Question 23/1 – Strategies and poligies concerning human exposure to electromagnetic fields

Focal Point

Mr I. Bozsoki


Ms. L. Tsheko (Botswana)


Ms. G. Aka (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr M. Dioulde Saw (Guinea)

Question 24/1 – Strategies and policies for the proper disposal or reuse of ICT waste material

Focal Point

Ms. M. Delgado Solarte


Ms. M. P. Castellanos (Colombia)


Mr A. R. Houéhou (African ICT Consumers Network (AICN), Benin)

Study Group 2

Question 9-3/2 – Identification of study topics in the ITU-T and ITU-R study groups which are of particular interest to developing countries

Focal Point

Ms. R. Shaw


Mr N. Al Marzouqi (United Arab Emirates)


Ms. G. Aka (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr P. Mège (THALES Communications, France)

Mr Y. Avanesov (Russian Federation)

Mr A. Dalkiliç (Türk Telekom Group, Turkey)

Question 10-3/2 – Telecommunications.ICTs for rural and remote areas

Focal Point

Mr T. Sugimoto


Mr Y. Kawasumi (Japan)


Mr R. Anago (Burkina Faso)

Mr R. Alabatena (Cameroon)

Mr N. Njekoundade (Chad)

Mr X. Si (China)

Ms. R. Assouomou-Bessou (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr A. Khanal (Nepal)

Mr Y. S. Avanesov (Russian Federation)

Mr N. Albi (Aggaros, Spain)

Ms. S. Yildirim (Türk Telekom Group, Turkey)


Question 11-3/2 – Examination of terrestrial digital sound and television broadcasting technologies and systems, interoperability of digital terrestrial systems with existing analogue networks, and strategies and methods of migration from analogue

Focal Point

Mr I. Bozsoki


Mr P. Kantchev (Bulgaria)


Mr R. Mitsuake Yirayama (Brazil)

Mr A. Kesse (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr P. Mège (THALES Communications, France)

Mr H. Tall (Guinea)

Mr Y. Takaihashi (Japan)

Mr S. B. Wagle (Nepal)

Question 14-3/2 - Information and Telecommunications for e-Health

Focal Point

Mr H. Eskandar


Mr L. Androuchko (Dominic Foundation)


Ms. M. Jordanova (Bulgaria)

Ms. Logbo Allomo (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mr A. Kébé (Guinea)

Mr I. Nakajima (Japan)

Dr M. Natenzon (Russian Federation)

Mr A. Dalkiliç (Türk Telekom Group, Turkey)

Mr T. Muluk (Intel Corporation, United States of America)

Question 17-3/2 – Progress on e-government activities and identification of areas of application of e-government for the benefit of developing countries

Focal Point

Mr H. Eskandar


Mr K. H. Jeong (Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI), Rep. of Korea)


Mr E. Bondarenko (Intervale, Russian Federation)

Mr K. D. Bagolibe (Togo)

Question 22-1/2 – Utilization of telecommunications/ICTs for disaster preparedness, mitigation and response

Focal Point

Ms. M. Delgado Solarte


Ms. K. O’Keefe (United States of America)


Mr Z. Shamasuzzoha (Bangladesh)

Mr M. Ayissi (Cameroon)

Mr N. Payanfou (Chad)

Mr N. Motte (THALES Communications, France)

Mr P. Trung Kien (Viet Nam)

Question 24/2 – ICTs and Climate Change

Focal Point

Mr O. Osmani


Mr J. Pla (France)


Mr M. Ayissi (Cameroon)

Mr N. Fuke (KDDI Corporation, Japan)

Mr M. Nasih (Maldives)

Mr R. Kelley (United States of America)

Question 25/2 – Access technology for broadband telecommunications including IMT, for developing countries

Focal Point

Mr R. Passerini
Mr D. Karyabwite


Ms. A. Sanders (United States of America)


Ms. L. Feng (China)

Mr A. A. E. A. Gad (Egypt)

Mr Y. Umezawa (KDDI Corporation, Japan)

Mr M. Ghazal (Lebanon)

Ms. T. H. Nga (Viet Nam)

Ms. H. Kyeyune (Uganda)

Ms. L. Patnaik (United States of America

Mr T. Muluk (Intel Corporation, United States of America)

Question 26/2 – Migration from existing networks to next-generation networks for developing countries : technical, regulatory and policy aspects

Focal Point

Mr V. Daigele


Mr A. Kumar (India)


Mr N. Njekoundade (Chad)

Mr A. Yayé (Niger)

Mr H. Makki (Switzerland)

Ms. B. Sengun (Türk Telekom Group, Turkey)

Mr N. Al Marzouqi (United Arab Emirates)

Mr T. Muluk (Intel Corporation, United States of America)

Joint ITU-D/ITU-R Group on Resolution 9
(Rev. Hyderabad, 2010)

Focal Point

Mr István Bozsoki (BDT)
Mr P. Aubineau (BR)

ITU-D Co-Chairman

Mr F. Digham (Egypt)

ITU-R Co-Chairman

Mr S. Koffi (Côte d’Ivoire)

ITU-R Co-Chairman

Mr S. Pastukh (Russian Federation)

Regional Coordinator for Africa

Mr S. Koffi (Côte d’Ivoire)

Regional Coordinator for Americas

Mr R. Haines (United States of America)

Regional Coordinator for Arab States

Mr N. Al Rashedi (United Arab Emirates)

Regional Coordinator for Asia-Pacific

Mr K. Arasteh (Iran, Islamic Rep. of)

Regional Coordinator for CIS

Mr A. Nalbandian (Armenia)

Regional Coordinator for Europe

To be appointed