Committed to connecting the world

Regional Initiative 2: Confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/information and communication technologies


To promote confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ information and communication technologies (ICTs), child online protection (COP) and combating all forms of cyberthreat, including the misuse of telecommunications/ICTs.

Expected results:
Assisting countries to:

  • Issue policy guidelines, regulatory and technical frameworks and necessary measures, providing them with information to meet their needs pertaining to this initiative, specifically in the area of COP and combating all forms of cyberthreat;
  • continue to sharpen awareness of the strategies to be followed in regard to the technical research and educational materials that are to be provided to and used in the teaching of Arab university students, in order to build confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ICTs;
  • protect Arab children and young people from offensive and harmful content on the Internet, particularly by helping to enact laws, legislation and strategies in this area and by raising the awareness of children and young people of the risks through awareness campaigns, workshops and training programmes, and making use of the Arab Regional Cybersecurity Centre;
  • Develop ICT applications to help protect children online and combat all forms of cyberthreat in collaboration with relevant  bodies;
  • Organize training courses and seminars on protecting critical telecommunication/ICT  infrastructure;
  • prepare training programmes and provide experts to specialized academic institutions to educate and instruct university students and academics in building confidence in the use of telecommunications/ICTs and exchanging experience in this regard;
  • Establish national computer incident response teams (CIRTs) in the Arab region, with optimum coordination among them and between them and CIRTs in the other regions.