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ITU helps improve the connectivity in the Americas

Countries in the America region conclude that it is necessary to prioritize the construction of fibre-optic in geographical locations that allow content exchange between the countries, host more content delivery networks (CDN) in the region and encourage the creation of more Exchange traffic points (IXP), as 3 of the main actions to improve connectivity in the region at the national level as a cause and effect of development.

The findings were the product of discussions during the 1st Forum of interconnectivity of the Americas organized by the International Union of telecommunications (ITU) in cooperation with the National Commission of telecommunications (CONATEL) this month of August in Paraguay.

The Forum was attended by 96 participants of different administrations, organizations, private sector and academia, coming from 11 countries of the Americas region.

The report of the Forum and the presentations made at the same are available at the event page: