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Bolivia receives ITU training on Spectrum Management


From 21 to 25 April, ITU, in the framework of the Centre of Excellence for the Americas Region, delivered the course on “Spectrum Management: using last generation tools” in the premises of the “Authority for the Regulation and Control of Telecommunications and Transport of Bolivia” (ATT). The main objective of this course is to train participants in the new capabilities offered by last generation Radio Frequency engineering tools in the control process and technical testing, to make more efficient use of the spectrum and be able to respond in a practical and timely manner to the challenges of the advent of Digital TV and the release of new spectrum bands for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT).

The course was structured in two parts, a theoretical and a practical part, allowing participants to perform measurement calculations and analysis of the country's own models. The course served as a starting point to achieve the exchange of experiences among participants and ITU expert, Mr. Daniel Rosas Tapia, allowing a dynamic exchange of information enriched by the interdisciplinary knowledge of attendees. The activity ended with a discussion forum, which had a focus on measurements and technical reports.