Committed to connecting the world

Report of 2nd Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers Meeting

The 2nd Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers Meeting took place on 2nd July 2013, in the framework of the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) in Warsaw, Poland. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Robert Pepper, Vice President, Cisco.

The Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers Meeting and the GSR are organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau of the ITU.


Meeting Report

1. Opening of the meeting

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed participants.

1.1 Opening remarks by the BDT Director

In his remarks, the Director stressed the willingness of the BDT to receive recommendations, advice, or any type of input that participants might be willing to provide. The BDT, he said, was at the service of membership in general and of the participants to CRO in particular. The CRO was a tool, designed by the BDT, to be used by participants.
He thanked Dr. Robert Pepper, for accepting to chair the CRO meeting for the second time.

1.2 Opening remarks by the Chairman

In his introductory remarks, the Chairman noted that the group had not been active since the last meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka, but was confident about new ways for this group to contribute to the work of the BDT.
In particular, he advised the meeting about the possibility to provide advice and partner with BDT in three domains, namely the GSR, the broader BDT agenda, and the World Telecommunication Development Conference.
The CRO group could channel private sector feedback to BDT to set the agenda for these meetings.

2. Adoption of the agenda

The agenda was approved.

3. Discussion: CRO partnering with BDT – Role of the Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers Meeting


4. Discussion: Hot regulatory issues to be proposed for inclusion in the next GSR agenda

  • Regulation for new business models in a broadband world
  • Consumer Protection: Who is appropriate regulator? What is appropriate level of regulation? Regulating privacy.
  • What regulator for what industry segment? Is one single regulator the way forward? How does the ITU structure the industry?
  • Regulators’ added value: regulate tomorrow rather than yesterday or today.

    Action: Participants to provide their inputs to the Secretariat before the end of Summer.


5. Proposed venue and dates for the next CRO meeting

The next GSR will be held in Manama, Bahrain, from 3 to 5 June 2014. The next CRO will be held on 2nd June 2014.

6. Any other business


7. Closing of the meeting

The Chairman and the Director of the BDT thanks the participants for the quality of the discussion and for their willingness to partner with the BDT.

Robert Pepper
Chairman, 2nd Private Sector CRO Meeting