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ITU Regional Development Forums 2018


RDF Africa

The ITU Regional Development Forum for Africa took place on 19-20 July 2018 in Accra, Ghana.

Event web page

2018 RDF final report

RDF Americas

​​The ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas Region, took place on 25 May 2018 in Lima, Peru.

Event web page

2018 RDF final report

RDF Arab States

The ITU Regional Development Forum for the Arab States was held in Algiers, Algeria from 12 - 13 February 2018 under the theme "ICT④SDGs: Towards the implementation of WTDC17 outcomes".

Event web page

2018 RDF final report 


RDF Asia and Pacific


The ITU Regional Development Forum for the Asia and the Pacific Region was held on 21-22 May 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Event web page

2018 RDF final report

RDF Europe

The Regional Development Forum for Europe took place on 11 June, 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Event web page

2018 RDF final report


Date and venue to be announced soon.​