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ICT Country Profiles of the Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs)

The LLDC country profiles are extracted from the Digital Development Dashboard which gives an overview of each individual country profile and provides a snapshot of the latest ICT landscape and efforts made to increase ICT access and use in that particular country. To find a specific country profile, please select the country on the dropdown list. You may also download the profile in either PDF or Excel.


​ISO Country Code

Afghanistan * AFG
Armenia ARM
Azerbaijan AZE
Bhutan * BTN
Bolivia BOL
Botswana BWA
Burkina Faso * BFA
Burundi * BDI
Central African Republic * CAF
Chad * TCD
Ethiopia * ETH
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kyrgyzstan KGZ
Lesotho * LSO
Malawi * MWI
Mali * MLI
Mongolia MNG
Nepal * NPL
Niger * NER
Paraguay PRY
Republic of Moldova MDA
Rwanda * RWA
South Sudan * SSD
Tajikistan TJK
Republic of North Macedonia MKD
Turkmenistan TKM
Uganda * UGA
Uzbekistan UZB
Zambia * ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE

Also a least developed country
⁺ Effective 19 April 2018, the Kingdom of Swaziland has been renamed to the Kingdom of Eswatini
Source:  Measuring the Information Society Report 2017, ITU