Member States

Our 194 Member States work together, upholding a long-established tradition of consensus, to advance the development of information and communication technology across the world. ITU Member States cover all regions of the world, from developed to developing countries, as well as least developed countries, landlocked countries, and small island states. Despite their wide range of needs and interests, ITU Member States come together to forge a common vision and plan for ICT development across the globe.

You can find the full list of Member States in the table below. Administrative Regions refer to the following geographical areas: Region A – The AmericasRegion B – Western EuropeRegion C – Eastern Europe and Northern AsiaRegion D – Africa; and Region E – Asia and Australasia.

More information is also available on the list of Member States in the previous web format.

Country Administrative Region Country Code Domain Name Member Since Language
Afghanistan E AFG AF 12/04/1928 E
Albania C ALB AL 02/06/1922 E
Algeria D ALG DZ 03/05/1963 A
Andorra B AND AD 12/11/1993 F
Angola D AGL AO 13/10/1976 E
Antigua and Barbuda A ATG AG 04/02/1987 E
Argentina A ARG AR 01/01/1889 S
Armenia C ARM AM 30/06/1992 E
Australia E AUS AU 27/05/1878 E
Austria B AUT AT 01/01/1866 E
Azerbaijan C AZE AZ 10/04/1992 R
Bahamas A BAH BS 19/08/1974 E
Bahrain E BHR BH 01/01/1975 A
Bangladesh E BGD BD 05/09/1973 E
Barbados A BRB BB 16/08/1967 E
Belarus C BLR BY 07/05/1947 R
Belgium B BEL BE 01/01/1866 F
Belize A BLZ BZ 16/12/1981 E
Benin D BEN BJ 01/01/1961 F
Bhutan E BTN BT 15/09/1988 E
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) A BOL BO 01/06/1907 S
Bosnia and Herzegovina B BIH BA 20/10/1992 E
Botswana D BOT BW 02/04/1968 E
Brazil A B BR 04/07/1877 E
Brunei Darussalam E BRU BN 19/11/1984 E
Bulgaria C BUL BG 18/09/1880 E
Burkina Faso D BFA BF 16/01/1962 F
Burundi D BDI BI 16/02/1963 F
Cabo Verde D CPV CV 10/09/1976 F
Cambodia E CBG KH 10/04/1952 E
Cameroon D CME CM 22/12/1960 F
Canada A CAN CA 01/07/1908 E
Central African Rep. D CAF CF 02/12/1960 F
Chad D TCD TD 25/11/1960 F
Chile A CHL CL 01/01/1908 S
China E CHN CN 01/09/1920 C
Colombia A CLM CO 25/08/1914 S
Comoros D COM KM 05/01/1976 F
Congo (Rep. of the) D COG CG 13/12/1960 F
Costa Rica A CTR CR 13/09/1932 S
Croatia B HRV HR 03/06/1992 E
Cuba A CUB CU 16/01/1918 S
Cyprus B CYP CY 24/04/1961 E
Czech Republic 1 C CZE CZ 01/01/1993 E
Côte d'Ivoire D CTI CI 23/12/1960 F
Dem. People's Rep. of Korea E KRE KP 24/09/1975 E
Dem. Rep. of the Congo D COD CD 06/12/1961 F
Denmark B DNK DK 01/01/1866 E
Djibouti D DJI DJ 22/11/1977 A
Dominica A DMA DM 28/10/1996 E
Dominican Rep. A DOM DO 11/07/1926 S
Ecuador A EQA EC 17/04/1920 S
Egypt D EGY EG 09/12/1876 A
El Salvador A SLV SV 12/10/1927 S
Equatorial Guinea D GNE GQ 02/07/1970 S
Eritrea D ERI ER 06/08/1993 E
Estonia B EST EE 19/05/19222 22/04/1992 E
Eswatini D SWZ SZ 11/11/1970 E
Ethiopia D ETH ET 20/02/1932 E
Fiji E FJI FJ 05/05/1971 E
Finland B FIN FI 01/09/1920 E
France B F FR 01/01/1866 F
Gabon D GAB GA 28/12/1960 F
Gambia D GMB GM 27/05/1974 E
Georgia C GEO GE 07/01/1993 E
Germany B D DE 01/01/1866 E
Ghana D GHA GH 17/05/1957 E
Greece B GRC GR 01/01/1866 E
Grenada A GRD GD 17/11/1981 E
Guatemala A GTM GT 10/07/1914 S
Guinea D GUI GN 09/03/1959 F
Guinea-Bissau D GNB GW 15/01/1976 F
Guyana A GUY GY 08/03/1967 E
Haiti A HTI HT 10/10/1927 F
Honduras A HND HN 27/10/1925 S
Hungary B HNG HU 01/01/1866 E
Iceland B ISL IS 01/10/1906 E
India E IND IN 01/01/1869 E
Indonesia E INS ID 01/01/1949 E
Iran (Islamic Republic of) E IRN IR 01/01/1869 E
Iraq E IRQ IQ 12/11/1928 A
Ireland B IRL IE 08/12/1923 E
Israel E ISR IL 24/06/1948 E
Italy B I IT 01/01/1866 E
Jamaica A JMC JM 18/02/1963 E
Japan E J JP 29/01/1879 E
Jordan E JOR JO 20/05/1947 A
Kazakhstan C KAZ KZ 23/02/1993 R
Kenya D KEN KE 11/04/1964 E
Kiribati E KIR KI 03/11/1986 E
Korea (Rep. of) E KOR KR 31/01/1952 E
Kuwait E KWT KW 14/08/1959 A
Kyrgyzstan C KGZ KG 20/01/1994 R
Lao P.D.R. E LAO LA 03/04/1952 E
Latvia B LVA LV 11/12/19213 11/11/1991 E
Lebanon E LBN LB 12/01/1924 A
Lesotho D LSO LS 26/05/1967 E
Liberia D LBR LR 10/10/1927 E
Libya D LBY LY 03/02/1953 A
Liechtenstein B LIE LI 25/07/1963 E
Lithuania B LTU LT 01/07/19234 12/10/1991 E
Luxembourg B LUX LU 02/03/1866 F
Madagascar D MDG MG 11/05/1961 F
Malawi D MWI MW 19/02/1965 E
Malaysia E MLA MY 03/02/1958 E
Maldives E MLD MV 28/02/1967 E
Mali D MLI ML 21/10/1960 F
Malta B MLT MT 01/01/1965 E
Marshall Islands E MHL MH 22/02/1996 E
Mauritania D MTN MR 18/04/1962 A
Mauritius D MAU MU 30/08/1969 E
Mexico A MEX MX 01/07/1908 S
Micronesia E FSM FM 18/03/1993 E
Moldova C MDA MD 20/10/1992 R
Monaco B MCO MC 01/07/1908 F
Mongolia E MNG MN 27/08/1964 E
Montenegro C MNE ME 21/06/2006 E
Morocco D MRC MA 01/11/1956 A
Mozambique D MOZ MZ 04/11/1975 E
Myanmar E BRM MM 15/09/1937 E
Namibia D NMB NA 25/01/1984 E
Nauru E NRU NR 10/06/1969 E
Nepal (Republic of) E NPL NP 05/12/1957 E
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) B HOL NL 01/01/1866 E
New Zealand E NZL NZ 03/06/1878 E
Nicaragua A NCG NI 12/05/1926 S
Niger D NGR NE 14/11/1960 F
Nigeria D NIG NG 11/04/1961 E
North Macedonia C MKD MK 04/05/1993 E
Norway B NOR NO 01/01/1866 E
Oman E OMA OM 28/04/1972 A
Pakistan E PAK PK 26/08/1947 E
Palau E PLW PW 19/09/2024 E
Panama A PNR PA 14/07/1914 S
Papua New Guinea E PNG PG 31/10/1975 E
Paraguay A PRG PY 27/09/1927 S
Peru A PRU PE 12/07/1915 S
Philippines E PHL PH 25/05/1912 E
Poland C POL PL 01/01/1921 E
Portugal B POR PT 01/01/1866 E
Qatar E QAT QA 27/03/1973 A
Romania C ROU RO 09/02/1866 E
Russian Federation C RUS RU 01/01/1866 R
Rwanda D RRW RW 12/12/1962 E
Saint Kitts and Nevis A KNA KN 15/03/2006 E
Saint Lucia A LCA LC 04/09/1997 E
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines A VCT VC 25/03/1983 E
Samoa E SMO WS 07/10/1988 E
San Marino B SMR SM 25/03/1977 E
Sao Tome and Principe D STP ST 01/09/1976 F
Saudi Arabia E ARS SA 07/02/1949 A
Senegal D SEN SN 15/11/1960 F
Serbia C SRB RS 01/06/2001 E
Seychelles D SEY SC 17/09/1999 E
Sierra Leone D SRL SL 30/12/1961 E
Singapore E SNG SG 22/10/1965 E
Slovakia C SVK SK 23/02/1993 E
Slovenia B SVN SI 16/06/1992 E
Solomon Islands E SLM SB 27/07/1987 E
Somalia D SOM SO 28/09/1962 A
South Africa D AFS ZA 01/01/1910 E
South Sudan D SSD SS 03/10/2011 E
Spain B E ES 01/01/1866 S
Sri Lanka E CLN LK 01/01/1897 E
Sudan D SDN SD 23/10/1957 A
Suriname A SUR SR 15/07/1976 E
Sweden B S SE 01/01/1866 E
Switzerland B SUI CH 01/01/1866 F
Syrian Arab Republic E SYR SY 12/01/1924 A
Tajikistan C TJK TJ 28/04/1994 R
Tanzania D TZA TZ 31/10/1962 E
Thailand E THA TH 21/04/1883 E
Timor-Leste E TLS TL 24/08/2010 E
Togo D TGO TG 14/09/1961 F
Tonga E TON TO 07/01/1972 E
Trinidad and Tobago A TRD TT 06/03/1965 E
Tunisia D TUN TN 14/12/1956 A
Turkmenistan C TKM TM 07/05/1993 R
Tuvalu E TUV TV 15/08/1996 E
Türkiye B TUR TR 01/01/1866 E
Uganda D UGA UG 08/03/1963 E
Ukraine C UKR UA 07/05/1947 R
United Arab Emirates E UAE AE 27/06/1972 A
United Kingdom B G GB 24/02/1871 E
United States A USA US 01/07/1908 E
Uruguay A URG UY 01/07/1902 S
Uzbekistan C UZB UZ 10/07/1992 R
Vanuatu E VUT VU 30/03/1988 E
Vatican B CVA VA 01/06/1929 F
Venezuela A VEN VE 13/08/1920 S
Viet Nam E VTN VN 24/09/1951 E
Yemen E YEM YE 01/01/1931 A
Zambia D ZMB ZM 23/08/1965 E
Zimbabwe D ZWE ZW 10/02/1981 E

1 Czechoslovakia – the predecessor of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic – joined the International Telecommunication Union in 1920

2 the date of joining the ITU. From 1940 to 1992/04/22 when Estonia deposited its instrument of accession to the International Telecommunication Convention (Nairobi, 1982) Estonia could not exercise its membership rights.

3 the date of joining the ITU. From 1940 to 1991/11/11 when Latvia deposited its instrument of accession to the International Telecommunication Convention (Nairobi, 1982) Latvia could not exercise its membership rights.

4 the date of joining the ITU. From 1940 to 1991/10/12 when Lithuania deposited its instrument of accession to the International Telecommunication Convention (Nairobi, 1982) Lithuania could not exercise its membership rights.