WRC-23: Expert perspectives from ITU News Magazine
ITU News
Over the course of 2023, we put together an ITU News Magazine series dedicated to the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC‑23). Each edition offers expert perspectives and insights on topics for discussion during the five-week conference among Member States of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
WRC‑23 – bringing together countries worldwide – will review and update the Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the use of the radio-frequency spectrum and the geostationary-satellite and non-geostationary-satellite orbits.
Organizations, companies, and experts in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU‑R) have provided technical input and outlined coordinated regional positions throughout the preceding four-year study cycle.
The conference takes place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 20 November to 15 December.
Browse each ITU News Magazine edition to learn more:
Countdown to WRC-23

- Conference preparations and agenda topics
- Four-year study and coordination cycle
- Regional and technical perspectives

The future of Coordinated Universal Time

- Possible future time scales
- Authoritative insights on global timekeeping
- Reflections on the leap-second

Land, sea and airwaves

- Key issues for terrestrial radiocommunications
- Perspectives from across the industry
- Keeping us connected and sustaining our lives

Satellite connectivity

- Key issues for satellite services
- Space industry plans and perspectives
- Securing sustainability in and from space

Science services

- Key issues for space-based science services
- Industry, meteorological, and space-agency views
- Earth observation and understanding our planet
For other editions, see the ITU News Magazine webpage.

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