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WTISD 2014: Message from UN Secretary-General

WTISD 2014: Message from UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon

UN Secretary-GeneralThis year's World Telecommunication and Information Society Day focuses on leveraging information and communication technologies to help advance sustainable development.

ICTs are powerhouses of the global economy, offering solutions for sustainable economic growth and shared prosperity.

Broadband connectivity is a transformative tool to achieve the three pillars of sustainable development – economic growth, social inclusion and environmental balance. It is a key element of the debate on the post-2015 development agenda.

Broadband networks provide smart eco-friendly solutions to manage booming cities and transport systems; enhance efficiency for manufacturing industries and power generation; conduct long-distance diagnosis and treatment for patients in remote locations; and promote innovative educational applications for students around the world.

As ITU approaches its 150th anniversary next year, let us work together to bridge the digital divide and harness the power of technology to create a better and more sustainable future for all.         
Ban Ki-moon
UN Secretary-General