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Dr Touré meets with Zambian President and First Lady at African Telecommunications Union preparatory event

Dr Touré with President Sata, the First Lady and Mr Tomas Lamanauskas,
Head of ITU’s Corporate Strategy Division

20 February 2014, Lusaka

ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun I. Touré had the honour of meeting with Zambia’s President H.E. Michael Chilufya Sata and First Lady H.E. Dr Christine Kaseba on the occasion of the 2nd African Preparatory Meetings for World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-14) and ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-14), which took place in Lusaka from 17-21 February.

The meetings brought together countries from across the region to explore and discuss African needs with a view to coming up with preliminary African Common Proposals for both WTDC and PP-14. The meetings also invited all stakeholders to engage in the preparatory process towards the WSIS+10 High-Level events.

Dr Touré had occasion to speak with President Sata on the country’s impressive progress in driving ICT penetration, and on future priorities in areas like 3G mobile and digital TV.

Dr Touré was accompanied on his mission by Mr Andrew Rugege, Head of ITU’s Regional Bureau in Africa.