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Dr Touré Meets with Prime Minister of Luxembourg to Discuss Digital Divide

Dr Touré meets with Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, who also
serves as his country’s Minister for Communications and the Media

7 March 2014, Luxembourg

ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun I. Touré met with Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel to discuss the issue of increasing broadband connectivity in developing countries, with the aim of reducing the digital divide between the developed and developing worlds.

Both parties stressed the strategic importance of ICTs as essential for sustainable growth in all sectors of the economy. The meeting focused on the Internet and the challenges of the future, including the aim of connecting the entire world community, equitably and affordably.

Prime Minister Bettel also added his support for the initiatives of ITU’s Broadband Commission for Digital Development to increase connectivity in developing countries. In 2011 the Commission set four key targets for affordable connectivity, and added a fifth target on gender-equitable access at its meeting in March 2012.