Committed to connecting the world

Dr Tourè at celebration ceremony of 40th anniversary of digital TV advancements

The plaque commemorating ITU’s achievements, signed by 21 leading organizations in the domain of broadcasting

From left to right: Francois Rancy, Director BR; Professor Mark Krivocheev, former Chairman of Study Group 11 (TV Broadcasting); Dr Hamadoun Tourè; Christoph Dosch, Chairman of ITU-R Study Group 6; David Wood, Chair of ITU-R Working Group 6C, and Malcolm Johnson, Director TSB, at the 40th anniversary celebration

30 October 2012, Geneva, Switzerland

ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun Touré was pleased and honoured to attend a special ceremony commemorating ‘40 years of Digital Television Broadcasting Studies in ITU-R’ , where he recalled the achievements of Professor Mark Krivocheev, ‘the father of digital television’, who initiated work into this breakthrough technology while serving as acting Chairman of ITU-R Study Group 11 back in June 1972.

From the outset, ITU pioneered a global approach to digital TV broadcasting and adopted a clear strategy for its worldwide implementation. Throughout the past 40 years, ITU has played a leading role in mobilizing top scientists and experts from countries around the world. Their joint efforts under the auspices of ITU have created a package of more than 100 technical Recommendations, many of which have become pivotal international standards for the development of broadcasting services globally. They also opened the way to a historic milestone – the transition from analogue to digital TV.

In his speech, Dr Hamadoun Touré congratulated Professor Krivocheev on his 90 birthday, which took place in July 2012, and stressed his great contribution to digital TV broadcasting:

"The world is moving today, people are interacting, working together and entertaining themselves. Thank you for the work you have done in this Union. Thousands of technicians and engineers who are working worldwide today in the framework of the International Telecommunication Union will be always thankful to the contribution you made."