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Future Networked Cars Saving millions of lives wirelessly

On 7 March 2019, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will convene the Symposium on the Future Networked Car (FNC‑2019) within the 89th Geneva International Motor Show. The topic of vehicle safety will be front and center amid panel discussions addressing autonomous vehicle development, artificial intelligence, mobility services and cybersecurity.

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Every year more than a million lives are lost on roadways throughout the world – 1.25 million, to be exact. Suppliers to the automotive industry are increasingly touting their technological solutions to this challenge – leaving carmakers and regulators to prioritize these offerings in the interest of humanity.

In a world of increasingly connected cars, wireless technology appears to offer the most direct path to crash avoidance and zero fatalities. The efficacy of different solutions is at the core of the emerging debate over the shortest path to life-saving implementations.

FNC-2019 takes place on the eve of the European Parliament’s vote – most likely by 15 March – on the so-called ‘Delegated Act’ regarding the adoption of vehicle-to-vehicle communications technology in Europe. It is not clear whether the vote will actually happen or which way it will go, but the discussion within the EU highlights the emerging role of cellular wireless technology alongside Wi-Fi-based DSRC (dedicated short-range communications) technology for enabling inter-vehicle communications. 

At the same time, in the U.S., the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) put forth a statement just weeks ago asserting that existing safety technologies capable of helping drivers avoid crashes should be adopted without delay. Among the solutions favored by NTSB and cited on its ‘Most Wanted List’ to improve highway safety are:

  • Eliminate distractions – ban on the use of all personal electronic devices on roadways, among other recommendations.
  • Reduce fatigue-related accidents
  • End alcohol and other drug impairment – reduce legal limits
  • Increase implementation of collision-avoidance systems including collision warning and automatic emergency braking
  • Implement a comprehensive strategy to reduce speeding-related crashes – adoption of intelligent speed-adaptation systems
  • Require medical fitness, and screen for and treat obstructive sleep apnea
  • Strengthen occupant protection

The NTSB recommendations reflect the increasing attention being paid to driver monitoring systems in the U.S. and Europe. Driver monitoring systems are expected to become part of Euro-NCAP’s 5-star criteria by 2020. 

At the same time, European regulators and standards-setting bodies are in the process of recognizing the need to integrate cybersecurity with safety systems to ensure reliable functionality of these systems. This topic will be on the table in the context of the evolving autonomous vehicle landscape and emerging mobility services.

FNC-2019 will feature speakers including:

  • Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General
  • Olga Algayerova, UNECE Executive Secretary
  • Jean Todt, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, and President of FIA
  • Johannes Springer, CEO, 5G Automotive Association
  • Teodor Buburuzan, Device Connectivity Engineer (EECP/3), Volkswagen
  • Dino Flore, Vice-President, Technology, Qualcomm
  • Onn Haran, CTO, Autotalks
  • Miguel Bañón, Vice-President, Cybersecurity, Dekra
  • Martin Rosell, CEO, WirelessCar
  • David Barzilai, Chairman and Co-founder, Karamba Security
  • Oren Betzaleli, Senior Vice-President & GM, Software Platforms, HARMAN
  • Max Cavazzini, EMEA Automotive & Manufacturing Lead, Amazon
  • Bryn Balcombe, Chief Strategy Officer, Roborace
  • Holger Weiss, CEO and founder, German Autolabs
  • David Ward, President & CEO of Global NCAP, President & CEO of the Towards Zero Foundation
  • Alain Kornhauser, Professor, Princeton University

The full list of FNC-2019 speakers can be found on the symposium programme.

Preceding FNC-2019 will be the SHIFT Automotive event, 6 March, in Hall 6 on the show floor of the Geneva International Motor Show. Keynotes at SHIFT include Microsoft’s Senior Director of Internet of Things (IoT) and Intelligent Edge, Avijit Sinha; to be followed by Dimitri Konstantas, Director of the Information Sciences Institute, University of Geneva; Sebastien Ruffino, Head of Business Development and Strategic Alliances for Bestmile; Vitaly Pnomarev, CEO of WayRay; and Bill Wyman, Vice-President of Global Marketing for car audio at HARMAN.

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Learn more about the status and future of connected, automated driving from the wrap-up video of the 2018 Symposium on the Future Networked Car.

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