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Filtered Results - Year : All Years , Type: All Types , Category : Plenipotentiary Conference
Qatar’s President of the Communications Regulatory Authority, Eng. Ahmad Abdulla AlMuslemani, nominated as Chair-designate for ITU’s next Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-26)
05 June 2024
- ITU Member States to meet in Doha in 2026 to guide the future of global connectivity and digital transformation
UN technology agency builds common ground on AI, space sustainability, environmental action, and digital transformation goals – and breaks the glass ceiling
14 October 2022
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU) charts path to a connected and united digital future
Qatar to host ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in 2026
04 October 2022
- Member States of the UN specialized agency will gather in Doha to continue guiding the world’s digital transformation
Elections completed for ITU Council and Radio Regulations Board
03 October 2022
- Member States elect governance body for UN specialized agency and global custodians of radio spectrum
ITU and UAE sign host country agreement for 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference in Dubai
30 September 2022
Next ITU leadership team elected
30 September 2022
- Member States have completed elections for the five leaders at the UN specialized agency entrusted with driving digital transformation
Member States elect Doreen Bogdan-Martin as ITU Secretary-General
29 September 2022
- In historic elections, Bogdan-Martin received the majority of Member State votes, pledging meaningful connectivity as her goal. She will be the first woman to lead the UN specialized agency in its 157-year history
Member States elect ITU’s next Deputy Secretary-General
29 September 2022
- Tomas Lamanauskas becomes one of five top executives at UN specialized agency for information and communication technologies
Tech policy-makers meet to seek common ground on digital future
26 September 2022
- ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Romania will elect next management team for UN system agency and chart path for global digital transformation
Media registration now open for ITU Plenipotentiary Conference
10 August 2022
- For three weeks in Bucharest starting 26 September, leaders from 193 countries will set the global direction of digital transformation and elect the UN tech agency’s next management team

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