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Sub-THz channel characterization


Sub-THz​ channel characterization from ray-based deterministic simulations


Future wireless communication systems will require large network capacities beyond the capabilities of present and upcoming 5G technology. The trend of considering higher frequencies for their large bandwidths continues today into the sub-THz domain. The frequencies that are considered in this article are the ones investigated in the BRAVE beyond-5G project, i.e. in the 90-200 GHz spectrum. A ray-based deterministic tool is extended to those frequencies, which are then exploited to simulate and characterize the propagation channel properties in two different scenarios: 1) in-office and 2) in-street. A particular interest is brought to the path loss and delay spread statistics. The impact of the antenna beam width is also considered. Using deterministic simulations (even if not yet validated in the target spectrum but at lower frequencies) is a very convenient way to explore the sub-THz propagation characteristics, while channel measurements are only very few at those frequencies. Some very simple models have been derived that may contribute to the elaboration and evaluation of future sub-THz systems.


Channel modeling, ray-based model, sub-THz


​​Grégory Gougeon 
Infra Network Design, SIRADEL, France 
Grégory Gougeon received his Engineering degree from INSA Rennes in 2001 and evolved in the Infra Network Design (IND) department at Siradel, Rennes, France, where he is expert in outdoor and indoor radio-wave propagation, network design techniques and electromagnetic-wave exposure. Grégory Gougeon was involved as propagation expert in the French Research Agency ANR funded projects LURGA on mobile geolocation and BRAVE on beyond-5G sub-THz communications. He also contributed to the European ICT-UCELLS project on ultra-wideband (UWB) communications. He was leading the SIRADEL contribution to the European Celtic-SHARING project for evaluation of advanced resource allocation and MIMO schemes in cellular networks. He is working on propagation modeling for 5G, including MIMO systems, beamforming, millimeter-wave and small-cells, with a solid background on software engineering for high-performance deterministic simulators including fast 3D ray-tracing.

Yoann Corre 
Infra Network Design, SIRADEL, France 

​Yoann Corre is wireless CTO at SIRADEL, France. He is leading the research in the Infra Network Department (IND) related to propagation channel modelling and design of new-generation networks such as IoT LPWAN, wireless fronthaul, or 5G access. Yoann Corre received his Engineering degree in Electronics and Radio-communication Systems from INSA Rennes (France) and his MSc in Optoelectronics from UCL (London, UK) in 1999. At SIRADEL since 2000, he has contributed to the elaboration of several commercial network simulation products, including rapid ray-based channel models and cellular radio-planning functionalities. He has developed solid experience in propagation channel characterization from measurements and simulations. He was involved in many French and European research projects e.g. related to digital TV, electromagnetic-wave exposure, heterogeneous network, densification, terrestrial- and satellite-based localization, millimetre-wave and massive MIMO. He is today coordinating the BRAVE project on beyond-5G Tbit/s communications, which is considering the sub-THz spectrum usage.

Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Infra Network Design, SIRADEL, France 

​Zahid Aslam is a wireless engineer in the research and technology (R&T) team of the Infra Network Design (IND) department at SIRADEL, France. He graduated with a M.S. degree in electrical engineering with a specialization in wireless networks and electronics (WNE) from Linköping University, Sweden, in 2016. From August 2015 to January 2016 he was a guest researcher at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China funded by an EU FP7 project where he worked on network optimization for free space optical (FSO) communications. He has also worked as an associate engineer with Computer Sciences Corporation (now DXC Technology) in India between 2007 and 2011. From 2016 to early 2019, he was an early stage researcher (ESR) in the 5Gwireless European H2020 project consortium representing SIRADEL. As part of the 5Gwireless consortium, he was also a visiting researcher at the Communication Systems department at Linköping University, Sweden from August 2017 to January 2018. Since early 2019, he has also been contributing to the French research agency ANR funded BRAVE project on beyond-5G sub-Terahertz communications. He performs research on radio-wave propagation, channel modelling, ray-based simulations, system and network evaluations related to massive MIMO, beamforming, mmWaves and sub-Terahertz communications. He actively participates, as a SIRADEL representative, in various technical groups and consortiums like the COST CA15104 IRACON, 5G mmWave Channel Model Alliance and the Telecom Infra Project (TIP).