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Report of EG-ITRs to Council

Preparation of the ​Report of EG-ITRs to Council

At the second meeting of the EG-ITRs held from 13 to 15 September 2017, the Group accepted the proposed plan by the Chairman for finalizing the report to Council 2018 (see Document EG-ITRs 2/20).

The accepted plan is reproduced below and relevant documents will be posted in due course.

Documents​​Action itemTimeline
31 October 2017
​​The Chairman will prepare the draft 1.0 of the final report, working very closely with the vice-chairs, with the assistance of the secretariat
1.​ Available on the EG ITRs website
by 31 October 2017 in English

Comments from members of the Group on draft 1.0:
Japan - 7 Dec. 7
Egypt, Jordan, Saudia Arabia -
10 Dec.17
Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan - Received on 28 December

Comments on draft 1.0 will be invited from members of the Group (preferably in track changes). Comments could be in any of the 6 languages and will be translated in English only.

​2. ​Till 8 December 2017
    Comments to be sent to

Compilation document
(Revised on 11 January)
A compilation document – with the draft 1.0 annotated with comments received on the various parts embedded is posted on the website. In English only3. Available on the EG ITRs website
by 3 January in English
​Contributions to the 3rd meeting
​​​Contributions directly to the 3rd meeting (i.e. not specifically on the draft report 1.0) to be translated in 6 languages​4. 3 January 2018
​See EG-ITRs ​3rd meeting of the group ​5. ​17-19 January 2018

13 February 2018
Draft 2.0 of the final report

​Based on the discussions at the 3rd meeting, the Chairman will prepare draft version 2.0 of the final report, working very closely with the vice-chairs, with the assistance of the secretariat.

Will be translated in 6 languages

​6. ​Available on the EG-ITRs website
by 15 February 2018 in English



    28 February 2018 in 6 languages

Comments from members of the Group on draft 2.0 
​Contribution to the 4th meeting will be invited from members of the Group specifically on the draft version 2.0 (or more general contributions, if any). Will be translated in 6 languages​7. Till 22 March 2018
New! Final version of the Report to Council ​At the 4th meeting, the group will finalize the report. The final draft will be submitted to Council 2018.8. ​12-13 April 2018
​Report to Council 2018​17-27 April 2018​