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Name : ALI, Waleed
Date : December 29, 2019
Organization : Umniah
Country : Jordan
Job Title : Regulations Advisor

Contribution : ​​1. How will new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs impact both the internet and sustainable development, including the digital economy? Telecoms/ICT work on strengthen their infrastructure, follow new technological trends, adopt new innovations, and support demands on different content types through partnering with platforms’ owners that have rich/different content . Investments in Telecom/ICT focus at infrastructures and platforms, such investments’ direction will try to meet the demands from societies for faster, safer and richer access to internet and richer content in platforms. Emerging telecom/ICT that grant smooth accessibility to internet without any type of discrimination on origin, class, age or gender, and that maintain security of data and protect users’ privacy, will be a major player in providing better future. Enriching and granting accessibility to different platforms that contain social and educational contents will participate in creating well-educated communities that provide it citizens with equal chances to communicate and learn. These platforms are empowered by AI and Bigdata, and provide MOOC, advanced contents, etc. , such direction will have massive impact on the way communication is done and will force communities to develop it laws, culture and behaviors in order to cope with these changes that touch all life aspects. Societies will demand stronger laws to regulate this development, which now became a life fact and necessity, to assure the rights/freedom/equality to data accessibility with high level of security and privacy to all society members. This development on communities will lead to more familiarity and trust on the digital worlds, and therefore communities start accepting the evolution of economical transactions toward digital world. Blockchain for example will be more popular and commonly used to/by individuals and corporates, this acceptance grew under the umbrella of easy &secure accessibility to internet that telecom/ICT created. 2. What are the opportunities and challenges for the adoption and growth of the new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs and internet? Main challenges are related to Technology changing trends, demands on infrastructures, regulations and legalizations. The opportunities come from these challenges, as high/proper accessibility will be by law a “right to all “ , the regulations must support providers to build and expand their infrastructures. The regulation support comes through lowering taxes, reducing entrance barriers and promoting creativity. At the same time regulation shall keep security and privacy as priority one demand from providers. 3. How can governments and the other stakeholders harness the benefits of new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs? As mentioned earlier , emerging telecommunications/ICT will lead to a digital community (through equal & proper accessibility, privacy/security protection , and rich contents), will have positive reflection on all stakeholders specially governments , as services will be more digitally trusted and provided in a smoother manner, reducing bureaucracy and routine , human forces and time will be directed to more critical/productive matters and satisfaction toward government will be higher. Service and content providers/facilitators will be keener to invest in a so well growing movement. 4. What are the best practices for promoting human skills, institutional capacity, innovation and investment for new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs? The best practices come from well-established digital platforms that cover education, socializing, government works, business and commercial acts. Our believes that access to international high quality educational platforms, which are reachable/enabled by the emerging telecom/ICT, will boost human skills and empower individual with high knowledge. Digitalizing the economy will also be one of the major practices that will participate in promoting innovation and industries in general.